
How to Install Padloc on Ubuntu 20.04 Print

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Padloc is a self-hosted password manager with support for both individuals and teams. This tutorial explains how to install Padloc on Ubuntu 20.04. This tutorial will use Docker, docker-compose, and Nginx to secure the configuration.


Before you begin these steps, you should:

You should also create a DNS A record that points a host name to the IP address of your server. The DNS name is required for Certbot to install a TLS/SSL certificate.


Certbot and Git

  1. Install Git using apt.

     $ sudo apt install git
  2. Remove any apt-installed versions of Certbot. It is okay if apt reports that none are installed.

     $ sudo apt remove certbot
  3. Ensure that your version of snapd is up to date.

     $ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core
  4. Install Certbot using snap.

     $ sudo snap install --classic certbot
  5. Run Certbot and follow the prompts to enter your domain name and redirect all traffic to HTTPS.

     $ sudo certbot certonly --standalone
  6. Take note of your certificate and private key paths when provided. It may be different depending on the domain used.

     Certificate Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
     Private Key Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/

If you used a different SSL provider, please ensure they are on your server and know their full path. You may put them in the /etc/nginx/ directory if you wish.


  1. Remove any older versions of Docker and the Docker engine.

     $ sudo apt remove docker docker-engine containerd runc
  2. Install Docker using snap.

     $ sudo snap install docker


Docker Container

  1. Create a directory called padloc in your home directory and enter it.

     $ mkdir ~/padloc
     $ cd ~/padloc
  2. Create and open a new docker-compose.yml file.

     $ nano docker-compose.yml
  3. Add the following lines to the file. Change to your domain name.

     version: "3"
             image: padloc/server
             container_name: padloc_server
                 - 3000
                 - ${PL_DB_DIR:-./db}:/data
                 - ${PL_ATTACHMENTS_DIR:-./attachments}:/docs
                 - PL_PWA_URL
                 - PL_EMAIL_SERVER
                 - PL_EMAIL_PORT
                 - PL_EMAIL_USER
                 - PL_EMAIL_PASSWORD
                 - PL_EMAIL_FROM
             image: padloc/pwa
             container_name: padloc_pwa
                 - 8080
                 - ${PL_PWA_DIR:-./pwa}:/pwa
                 - PL_SERVER_URL
             image: nginx
             container_name: nginx
                 - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf
                 - ${PL_SSL_CERT:-./ssl/cert.pem}:/ssl/cert
                 - ${PL_SSL_KEY:-./ssl/key.pem}:/ssl/key
                 - 80:80
                 - 443:443
  4. Exit the file using Control + X, then press Y, followed by Enter.

Nginx Configuration File

  1. Create and open a new nginx.conf file.

     $ nano nginx.conf
  2. Add the following lines to the file.

     http {
         client_max_body_size 10m;
         server {
             listen 80 default_server;
             listen [::]:80 default_server;
             server_name _;
             return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
         server {
             listen 443 ssl http2;
             location /server/ {
                 proxy_pass http://padloc_server:3000;
                 rewrite ^/padloc_server(.*)$ $1 break;
             location / {
                 proxy_pass http://padloc_pwa:8080;
                 rewrite ^/padloc_pwa(.*)$ $1 break;
             ssl_certificate /ssl/cert;
             ssl_certificate_key /ssl/key;
     events {}
  3. Exit the file using Control + X, then press Y, followed by Enter.

Create the .env File

  1. Create a new file called .env in your text editor.

     $ nano .env
  2. Copy and paste the values below into your text editor and change them accordingly for your configuration.

     # URL that points to the web application
     # URL that points to the server instance
     # The port the server instance will listen on
     # The directory where database files will be stored
     # The directory where attachment files will be stored
     # The port the web application will be served from
     # The directory where the static code for the web application will be stored
     # SMTP host
     # SMTP username
     # SMTP port
     # SMTP password
     # Use TLS when sending emails
     # The path to your SSL certificate (change
     # The path to your SSL private key (change
  3. Save and exit the text editor by using Control + X, then Y, followed by Enter.

  4. Run Padloc by using docker-compose in detached mode. This may take a few seconds.

     $ sudo docker-compose up -d
  5. Check that Padloc is running by using docker. The status should be Up.

     $ sudo docker ps
     Up x seconds/minutes

You have now successfully installed and configured Padloc.

Finishing Steps

You should now navigate to your Padloc installation and create an account.

This completes the steps to install Padloc and secure it using an SSL certificate and an Nginx reverse proxy.


Introduction Padloc is a self-hosted password manager with support for both individuals and teams. This tutorial explains how to install Padloc on Ubuntu 20.04. This tutorial will use Docker, docker-compose, and Nginx to secure the configuration. Prerequisites Before you begin these steps, you should: Deploy an Ubuntu 20.04 server. Update the server. Create a non-root user with sudo privileges. Log in to your server as a non-root user. Create an SMTP server. Open port 433 on your Rcs firewall or your ufw. You should also create a DNS A record that points a host name to the IP address of your server. The DNS name is required for Certbot to install a TLS/SSL certificate. Installation Certbot and Git Install Git using apt. $ sudo apt install git Remove any apt-installed versions of Certbot. It is okay if apt reports that none are installed. $ sudo apt remove certbot Ensure that your version of snapd is up to date. $ sudo snap install core; sudo snap refresh core Install Certbot using snap. $ sudo snap install --classic certbot Run Certbot and follow the prompts to enter your domain name and redirect all traffic to HTTPS. $ sudo certbot certonly --standalone Take note of your certificate and private key paths when provided. It may be different depending on the domain used. Certificate Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/ Private Key Path: /etc/letsencrypt/live/ If you used a different SSL provider, please ensure they are on your server and know their full path. You may put them in the /etc/nginx/ directory if you wish. Docker Remove any older versions of Docker and the Docker engine. $ sudo apt remove docker docker-engine containerd runc Install Docker using snap. $ sudo snap install docker Configuration Docker Container Create a directory called padloc in your home directory and enter it. $ mkdir ~/padloc $ cd ~/padloc Create and open a new docker-compose.yml file. $ nano docker-compose.yml Add the following lines to the file. Change to your domain name. version: "3" services: server: image: padloc/server container_name: padloc_server expose: - 3000 volumes: - ${PL_DB_DIR:-./db}:/data - ${PL_ATTACHMENTS_DIR:-./attachments}:/docs environment: - PL_PWA_URL - PL_EMAIL_SERVER - PL_EMAIL_PORT - PL_EMAIL_USER - PL_EMAIL_PASSWORD - PL_EMAIL_FROM pwa: image: padloc/pwa container_name: padloc_pwa expose: - 8080 volumes: - ${PL_PWA_DIR:-./pwa}:/pwa environment: - PL_SERVER_URL nginx: image: nginx container_name: nginx volumes: - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ${PL_SSL_CERT:-./ssl/cert.pem}:/ssl/cert - ${PL_SSL_KEY:-./ssl/key.pem}:/ssl/key ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 Exit the file using CONTROL + X, then press Y, followed by ENTER. Nginx Configuration File Create and open a new nginx.conf file. $ nano nginx.conf Add the following lines to the file. http { client_max_body_size 10m; server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name _; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { server_name; listen 443 ssl http2; location /server/ { proxy_pass http://padloc_server:3000; rewrite ^/padloc_server(.*)$ $1 break; } location / { proxy_pass http://padloc_pwa:8080; rewrite ^/padloc_pwa(.*)$ $1 break; } ssl_certificate /ssl/cert; ssl_certificate_key /ssl/key; } } events {} Exit the file using CONTROL + X, then press Y, followed by ENTER. Create the .env File Create a new file called .env in your text editor. $ nano .env Copy and paste the values below into your text editor and change them accordingly for your configuration. # URL that points to the web application PL_PWA_URL= # URL that points to the server instance PL_SERVER_URL= # The port the server instance will listen on PL_SERVER_PORT=3000 # The directory where database files will be stored PL_DB_DIR=./db # The directory where attachment files will be stored PL_ATTACHMENTS_DIR=./attachments # The port the web application will be served from PL_PWA_PORT=8080 # The directory where the static code for the web application will be stored PL_PWA_DIR=./pwa # SMTP host # SMTP username # SMTP port PL_EMAIL_PORT=443 # SMTP password PL_EMAIL_PASSWORD=CHANGE_ME # Use TLS when sending emails PL_EMAIL_SECURE=false # The path to your SSL certificate (change PL_SSL_CERT=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ # The path to your SSL private key (change PL_SSL_KEY=/etc/letsencrypt/live/ Save and exit the text editor by using CONTROL + X, then Y, followed by ENTER. Run Padloc by using docker-compose in detached mode. This may take a few seconds. $ sudo docker-compose up -d Check that Padloc is running by using docker. The status should be Up. $ sudo docker ps STATUS Up x seconds/minutes You have now successfully installed and configured Padloc. Finishing Steps You should now navigate to your Padloc installation and create an account. This completes the steps to install Padloc and secure it using an SSL certificate and an Nginx reverse proxy. Documentation Padloc Documentation and Repository Padloc Website Nginx Documentation

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