
Deploy Serverless Workloads on Rcs Kubernetes Engine with Knative Serving Print

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Knative is an open-source project that offers a set of components to simplify the configuration of services on Kubernetes. It allows developers to deploy, run, and manage serverless cloud-native applications fast without managing the underlying infrastructure directly. This reduces the execution time for common routine tasks such as creating pods, load balancing, auto-scaling, routing traffic, among other cluster operations.

Knative Serving offers a set of components that allow you to deploy and manage serverless workloads on Kubernetes. You can deploy an application and enable automatic scaling based on the incoming user traffic load. Below are the key components of Knative Serving:

  • Service: A top-level resource that defines and manages serverless workloads. You can define container images, environment variables, and scaling settings in service resources
  • Route: Maps external network traffic to a specific Knative Service. A route can distribute incoming requests among different revisions of the same service
  • Revision: A snapshot of a specific Knative service version. A new revision is created after every deployment which enables versioning and allows you to roll back changes
  • Configurations: Defines the state of a service that is associated with one or more revisions

In this tutorial, deploy serverless workloads on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster with Knative Serving. You are to deploy an Express application as a serverless workload using Knative serving.


Before you begin:

Install the Knative CLI Tool

  1. Download the latest Knative CLI latest release for Linux systems

     $ wget

    When using a different operating system, visit the Knative CLI release page to download the latest version

  2. Move the downloaded binary file to the /usr/local/bin/ directory to enable it as a system-wide command

     $ sudo mv kn-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kn
  3. Make the kn binary file executable

     $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kn
  4. Verify the Knative CLI version

     $ kn version


     Version:      v1.11.0
     Build Date:   2023-07-27 07:42:56
     Git Revision: b7508e67
     Supported APIs:
     * Serving
      - (knative-serving v1.11.0)
     * Eventing

Install Knative Serving

To deploy and manage serverless applications in your Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster, install Knative Serving as described in the steps below.

  • This article uses the Knative Serving version 1.11.0. Visit the Knative Serving Releases page to verify the latest version to install in your cluster.
  1. Install the Knative Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define and control how your serverless workload behavior in the cluster

     $ kubectl apply -f
  2. Install the Knative Serving core components

     $ kubectl apply -f
  3. Install the Knative Kourier controller and enable its Knative integration

     $ kubectl apply -f

    The above command installs the Kourier controller that works as a networking layer to expose Knative applications to an external network. Knative Serving also supports other networking layers such as Istio, and Contour.

  4. Using Kubectl, edit the config-network ConfigMap and configure Knative Serving to use Kourier as the networking layer

     $ kubectl patch configmap/config-network --namespace knative-serving --type merge --patch '{"data":{"ingress-class":""}}'
  5. Wait for at least 3 minutes to provision a load balancer, then, view the external address assigned to the Kourier Controller

     $ kubectl --namespace kourier-system get service kourier


     NAME      TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
     kourier   LoadBalancer     80:32638/TCP,443:31165/TCP     2m41s
  6. Install the Knative Serving DNS configuration to use the default domain

     $ kubectl apply -f

    To replace the default domain, point a domain record to your load balancer IP address to access the Knative Service services

  7. Verify that the Knative Serving components are active and running

     $ kubectl get pods -n knative-serving


     NAME                                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
     activator-5c48bb4df9-btsx2                1/1     Running     0          4m58s
     autoscaler-85b4ddb94b-hdfgx               1/1     Running     0          4m56s
     controller-575457d5c-swzr4                1/1     Running     0          4m53s
     default-domain-pl9fp                      0/1     Completed   0          87s
     net-kourier-controller-7c7f588b78-n9m8k   1/1     Running     0          4m29s
     webhook-6859dd7cbf-9764l                  1/1     Running     0          4m48s

Deploy a Serverless Application with Knative Serving

To implement Knative Serving in your cluster, deploy a serverless application and verify access using the default domain record. They're two methods you can apply to deploy a serverless application with Knative serving, using the Knative CLI or Kubernetes manifest files. In this section, deploy an Express application using any of the methods described below.

Deploy a Serverless Application Using Knative CLI (Recommended)

The Knative CLI interacts with Knative components installed in your cluster. The tool enables the fast deployment and management of applications in a cluster. Deploy an Express application using Knative CLI as described below.

  1. Create a new knative-app namespace for your application

     $ kubectl create namespace knative-app
  2. Using Knative CLI, deploy your Express application to the knative-app namespace. Replace karnadocker/express-app with your desired Docker image source

     $ kn service create express-service --image karnadocker/express-app --port 8080 --namespace knative-app

    Your output should look like the one below:

     Creating service 'express-service' in namespace 'knative-app':
       4.821s Configuration "express-service" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
       4.821s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
       4.966s Waiting for load balancer to be ready
       5.099s Ready to serve.
     Service 'express-service' created to latest revision 'express-service-00001' is available at URL:
  3. List Knative services and verify that the application is successfully created

     $ kn service list --namespace knative-app


     NAME              URL                                                         LATEST                  AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
     express-service   express-service-00001      27s    3 OK / 3     True    
  4. Describe the service to view information about the Express application

     $ kn service describe express-service --namespace knative-app


     Name:       express-service
     Namespace:  knative-app
     Age:        2m
       100%  @latest (express-service-00001) [1] (2m)
             Image:     karnadocker/express-app (pinned to 8ab6c7)
             Replicas:  0/0
       OK TYPE                   AGE REASON
       ++ Ready                   1m 
       ++ ConfigurationsReady     1m 
       ++ RoutesReady             1m 
  5. View the application URL

     $ kn route list --namespace knative-app


     NAME                URL                                                                    READY
     express-service                 True
  6. Using Curl, query the application URL and verify that it displays a result

     $ curl


     Express Hello World Application!

    To further test the application status, use a web browser and visit the application URL

    To delete the application, run kn service with the delete option

     $ kn service delete express-service --namespace knative-app

Deploy a Serverless Application Using a YAML File

You can deploy serverless applications to your cluster using YAML files. This method allows you to implement version control for your application workloads. Deploy an Express application to your cluster as described below.

  1. Create a new knative-app namespace

     $ kubectl create namespace knative-app
  2. Using a text editor such as Vim, create a new YAML resource file knative-service.yaml

     $ nano knative-service.yaml
  3. Add the following configurations to the file. Replace karnadocker/express-app with your desired Docker image source

     kind: Service
       name: knative-express-service
       namespace: knative-app
           name: knative-express-service-v1
             - image:
                 - containerPort: 8081

    Save and close the file

  4. Apply the resource to your cluster

     $ kubectl apply -f knative-service.yaml
  5. Verify that the service is available in the knative-app namespace

     $ kubectl get ksvc  --namespace knative-app


     NAME                      URL                                                                 LATESTCREATED                LATESTREADY                       READY   REASON
     express-service            express-service-00001        express-service-00001        True    
     knative-express-service   knative-express-service-v1   knative-express-service-v1   True 
  6. View the application URL

     $ kn route list --namespace knative-app


     NAME                      URL                                                                 READY
     express-service            True
     knative-express-service   True
  7. Using Curl, visit the application URL

     $ curl


     Express Hello World Application!

    The above output verifies that the application is running correctly in your cluster

Scaling a Knative Service in Kubernetes

Knative can scale services automatically based on incoming traffic and the configured scaling policies. It uses the Knative Pod Autoscaler (KPA) to scale the number of pods automatically. When incoming traffic increases, KPA scales up by creating new pods based on the available configuration. When there is no incoming traffic, KPA scales down by deleting pods to save cluster resources.

The KPA offers many configuration options to control the autoscaling behavior as implemented in this section.

Set Scaling Limits

Knative Serving allows you to set scaling limits for your application to control the number of pods created for a revision to handle the requests. This allows you to manage the cluster resource utilization and prevent unexpected resource consumption. You can set scaling limits using scale-min and scale-max options as described below.

  1. Set your express-service application minimum and maximum scaling limit

     $ kn service update express-service --scale-min 1 --scale-max 20 --namespace knative-app


     Updating Service 'express-service' in namespace 'knative-app':
       1.447s Traffic is not yet migrated to the latest revision.
       1.447s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
       1.448s Waiting for load balancer to be ready
       1.449s Ready to serve.
     Service 'express-service' updated to latest revision 'express-service-00002' is available at URL:
  2. Verify the application scaling limit

     $ kn revision describe express-service-00002 --namespace knative-app


      Name:         express-service-00002
      Namespace:    knative-app
      Age:          1m
      Image: (at 8ab6c7)
      Replicas:     1/1
      Port:         8080
      Scale:        1 ... 20
      Service:      express-service
        OK TYPE                  AGE REASON
        ++ Ready                  1m 
        ++ ContainerHealthy       1m 
        ++ ResourcesAvailable     1m 
        ++ Active                 1m 

    As displayed in the above output, the max scale and min scale annotations match your scaling limits

Set Concurrency Limits

Using concurrency limits, you can control the number of concurrent requests each pod can process. When the concurrency rate exceeds the defined limit, Knative scales up the application by creating additional pods to handle the load. If the concurrency drops below the given limit, the application scales down by deleting unused pods. In this section, set the concurrency limits as described below.

To set the express-service application concurrency limit to 10, update the service with the concurrency-limit value

$ kn service update express-service --concurrency-limit 10 --namespace knative-app


Updating Service 'express-service' in namespace 'knative-app':

2.360s Traffic is not yet migrated to the latest revision.
2.360s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
2.361s Waiting for load balancer to be ready
2.420s Ready to serve.

Service 'express-service' updated to latest revision 'express-service-00003' is available at URL:

Verify Auto Scaling

To test auto scaling on your application, use a concurrent request tool such as Hey to send continuous requests to your application as described below.

  1. Install the hey CLI tool.

     $ sudo apt install hey -y
  2. View the list of running pods in the knative-app namespace

     $ kubectl get pods -n knative-app


     NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     express-service-00002-deployment-6fbdc5b5b8-4nvb6   1/1     Running   0          3m39s
     express-service-00003-deployment-5776757969-l5tbk   1/1     Running   0          34m
  3. Send 300 seconds of traffic while maintaining 5000 concurrent requests to your application using the following command

     $ hey -z 300s -c 5000  "" --namespace knative-app
  4. Verify that the pods are scaling up

     $ kubectl get pods -n knative-app

    Your output should look like the one below:

      NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      express-service-00001-deployment-7dcd484688-kwnjx   2/2     Running   0          9s
      express-service-00001-deployment-7dcd484688-qst6c   2/2     Running   0          12s
      express-service-00002-deployment-6fbdc5b5b8-4nvb6   2/2     Running   0          3m39s
      express-service-00003-deployment-5776757969-l5tbk   2/2     Running   0          34m

Route Traffic to Revisions

Each time you create or update a service, Knative creates a new revision. Route incoming traffic to revisions as described in the steps below.

  1. List all express-service application revisions

     $ kn revision list --namespace knative-app


     NAME                         SERVICE                   TRAFFIC   TAGS   GENERATION   AGE     CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
     express-service-00003        express-service           100%             3            82s     4 OK / 4     True    
     express-service-00002        express-service                            2            5m25s   3 OK / 4     True    
     express-service-00001        express-service                            1            34m     3 OK / 4     True    

    Verify the percentage of requests routed to specific revisions in the TRAFFIC column. In the above output, Knative has mapped all requests by 100% to only the express-service-00003 revision.

  2. View detailed information about the express-service-00003 revision

     $ kn revision describe express-service-00003 --namespace knative-app


     Name:         express-service-00003
     Namespace:    knative-app
     Age:          25s
     Image: (at 8ab6c7)
     Replicas:     1/1
     Port:         8080
     Scale:        1 ... 20
       Limit:      10
     Service:      express-service
       OK TYPE                  AGE REASON
       ++ Ready                 23s 
       ++ ContainerHealthy      23s 
       ++ ResourcesAvailable    23s 
       ++ Active                23s 
  3. To distribute traffic among all three service revisions, apply the --traffic option to update the service using the following command

     $ kn service update express-service --traffic express-service-00001=25 --traffic express-service-00002=35 --traffic express-service-00003=40 --namespace knative-app
  4. Verify that the traffic is distributed among all revisions

     $ kn revision list --namespace knative-app


      NAME                         SERVICE                   TRAFFIC   TAGS   GENERATION   AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
      express-service-00003        express-service           40%              3            23m   4 OK / 4     True    
      express-service-00002        express-service           35%              2            27m   4 OK / 4     True    
      express-service-00001        express-service           25%              1            56m   3 OK / 4     True    

    Verify the traffic distribution values displayed in the TRAFFIC column


You have deployed a serverless application on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster. You implemented the different deployment methods and scaled the serverless application using concurrency and scaling limits. By using Knative Serving, you can streamline the process of building, deploying, and scaling serverless workloads in your cluster. For more information about Knative Service, visit the Knative Serving documentation.

Introduction Knative is an open-source project that offers a set of components to simplify the configuration of services on Kubernetes. It allows developers to deploy, run, and manage serverless cloud-native applications fast without managing the underlying infrastructure directly. This reduces the execution time for common routine tasks such as creating pods, load balancing, auto-scaling, routing traffic, among other cluster operations. Knative Serving offers a set of components that allow you to deploy and manage serverless workloads on Kubernetes. You can deploy an application and enable automatic scaling based on the incoming user traffic load. Below are the key components of Knative Serving: Service: A top-level resource that defines and manages serverless workloads. You can define container images, environment variables, and scaling settings in service resources Route: Maps external network traffic to a specific Knative Service. A route can distribute incoming requests among different revisions of the same service Revision: A snapshot of a specific Knative service version. A new revision is created after every deployment which enables versioning and allows you to roll back changes Configurations: Defines the state of a service that is associated with one or more revisions In this tutorial, deploy serverless workloads on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster with Knative Serving. You are to deploy an Express application as a serverless workload using Knative serving. Prerequisites Before you begin: Deploy a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster with at least 5 nodes Deploy a Ubuntu Server to work as your management machine Using SSH, access the server as a non-root sudo user Install Kubectl on your local machine to access the cluster Install the Knative CLI Tool Download the latest Knative CLI latest release for Linux systems $ wget When using a different operating system, visit the Knative CLI release page to download the latest version Move the downloaded binary file to the /usr/local/bin/ directory to enable it as a system-wide command $ sudo mv kn-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kn Make the kn binary file executable $ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kn Verify the Knative CLI version $ kn version Output: Version: v1.11.0 Build Date: 2023-07-27 07:42:56 Git Revision: b7508e67 Supported APIs: * Serving - (knative-serving v1.11.0) * Eventing Install Knative Serving To deploy and manage serverless applications in your Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster, install Knative Serving as described in the steps below. This article uses the Knative Serving version 1.11.0. Visit the Knative Serving Releases page to verify the latest version to install in your cluster. Install the Knative Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to define and control how your serverless workload behavior in the cluster $ kubectl apply -f Install the Knative Serving core components $ kubectl apply -f Install the Knative Kourier controller and enable its Knative integration $ kubectl apply -f The above command installs the Kourier controller that works as a networking layer to expose Knative applications to an external network. Knative Serving also supports other networking layers such as Istio, and Contour. Using Kubectl, edit the config-network ConfigMap and configure Knative Serving to use Kourier as the networking layer $ kubectl patch configmap/config-network --namespace knative-serving --type merge --patch '{"data":{"ingress-class":""}}' Wait for at least 3 minutes to provision a load balancer, then, view the external address assigned to the Kourier Controller $ kubectl --namespace kourier-system get service kourier Output: NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kourier LoadBalancer 80:32638/TCP,443:31165/TCP 2m41s Install the Knative Serving DNS configuration to use the default domain $ kubectl apply -f To replace the default domain, point a domain record to your load balancer IP address to access the Knative Service services Verify that the Knative Serving components are active and running $ kubectl get pods -n knative-serving Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE activator-5c48bb4df9-btsx2 1/1 Running 0 4m58s autoscaler-85b4ddb94b-hdfgx 1/1 Running 0 4m56s controller-575457d5c-swzr4 1/1 Running 0 4m53s default-domain-pl9fp 0/1 Completed 0 87s net-kourier-controller-7c7f588b78-n9m8k 1/1 Running 0 4m29s webhook-6859dd7cbf-9764l 1/1 Running 0 4m48s Deploy a Serverless Application with Knative Serving To implement Knative Serving in your cluster, deploy a serverless application and verify access using the default domain record. They're two methods you can apply to deploy a serverless application with Knative serving, using the Knative CLI or Kubernetes manifest files. In this section, deploy an Express application using any of the methods described below. Deploy a Serverless Application Using Knative CLI (Recommended) The Knative CLI interacts with Knative components installed in your cluster. The tool enables the fast deployment and management of applications in a cluster. Deploy an Express application using Knative CLI as described below. Create a new knative-app namespace for your application $ kubectl create namespace knative-app Using Knative CLI, deploy your Express application to the knative-app namespace. Replace karnadocker/express-app with your desired Docker image source $ kn service create express-service --image karnadocker/express-app --port 8080 --namespace knative-app Your output should look like the one below: Creating service 'express-service' in namespace 'knative-app': 4.821s Configuration "express-service" is waiting for a Revision to become ready. 4.821s Ingress has not yet been reconciled. 4.966s Waiting for load balancer to be ready 5.099s Ready to serve. Service 'express-service' created to latest revision 'express-service-00001' is available at URL: List Knative services and verify that the application is successfully created $ kn service list --namespace knative-app Output: NAME URL LATEST AGE CONDITIONS READY REASON express-service express-service-00001 27s 3 OK / 3 True Describe the service to view information about the Express application $ kn service describe express-service --namespace knative-app Output: Name: express-service Namespace: knative-app Age: 2m URL: Revisions: 100% @latest (express-service-00001) [1] (2m) Image: karnadocker/express-app (pinned to 8ab6c7) Replicas: 0/0 Conditions: OK TYPE AGE REASON ++ Ready 1m ++ ConfigurationsReady 1m ++ RoutesReady 1m View the application URL $ kn route list --namespace knative-app Output: NAME URL READY express-service True Using Curl, query the application URL and verify that it displays a result $ curl Output: Express Hello World Application! To further test the application status, use a web browser and visit the application URL To delete the application, run kn service with the delete option $ kn service delete express-service --namespace knative-app Deploy a Serverless Application Using a YAML File You can deploy serverless applications to your cluster using YAML files. This method allows you to implement version control for your application workloads. Deploy an Express application to your cluster as described below. Create a new knative-app namespace $ kubectl create namespace knative-app Using a text editor such as Vim, create a new YAML resource file knative-service.yaml $ nano knative-service.yaml Add the following configurations to the file. Replace karnadocker/express-app with your desired Docker image source apiVersion: kind: Service metadata: name: knative-express-service namespace: knative-app spec: template: metadata: name: knative-express-service-v1 spec: containers: - image: ports: - containerPort: 8081 Save and close the file Apply the resource to your cluster $ kubectl apply -f knative-service.yaml Verify that the service is available in the knative-app namespace $ kubectl get ksvc --namespace knative-app Output: NAME URL LATESTCREATED LATESTREADY READY REASON express-service express-service-00001 express-service-00001 True knative-express-service knative-express-service-v1 knative-express-service-v1 True View the application URL $ kn route list --namespace knative-app Output: NAME URL READY express-service True knative-express-service True Using Curl, visit the application URL $ curl Output: Express Hello World Application! The above output verifies that the application is running correctly in your cluster Scaling a Knative Service in Kubernetes Knative can scale services automatically based on incoming traffic and the configured scaling policies. It uses the Knative Pod Autoscaler (KPA) to scale the number of pods automatically. When incoming traffic increases, KPA scales up by creating new pods based on the available configuration. When there is no incoming traffic, KPA scales down by deleting pods to save cluster resources. The KPA offers many configuration options to control the autoscaling behavior as implemented in this section. Set Scaling Limits Knative Serving allows you to set scaling limits for your application to control the number of pods created for a revision to handle the requests. This allows you to manage the cluster resource utilization and prevent unexpected resource consumption. You can set scaling limits using scale-min and scale-max options as described below. Set your express-service application minimum and maximum scaling limit $ kn service update express-service --scale-min 1 --scale-max 20 --namespace knative-app Output: Updating Service 'express-service' in namespace 'knative-app': 1.447s Traffic is not yet migrated to the latest revision. 1.447s Ingress has not yet been reconciled. 1.448s Waiting for load balancer to be ready 1.449s Ready to serve. Service 'express-service' updated to latest revision 'express-service-00002' is available at URL: Verify the application scaling limit $ kn revision describe express-service-00002 --namespace knative-app Output: Name: express-service-00002 Namespace: knative-app Annotations:, Age: 1m Image: (at 8ab6c7) Replicas: 1/1 Port: 8080 Scale: 1 ... 20 Service: express-service Conditions: OK TYPE AGE REASON ++ Ready 1m ++ ContainerHealthy 1m ++ ResourcesAvailable 1m ++ Active 1m As displayed in the above output, the max scale and min scale annotations match your scaling limits Set Concurrency Limits Using concurrency limits, you can control the number of concurrent requests each pod can process. When the concurrency rate exceeds the defined limit, Knative scales up the application by creating additional pods to handle the load. If the concurrency drops below the given limit, the application scales down by deleting unused pods. In this section, set the concurrency limits as described below. To set the express-service application concurrency limit to 10, update the service with the concurrency-limit value $ kn service update express-service --concurrency-limit 10 --namespace knative-app Output: Updating Service 'express-service' in namespace 'knative-app': 2.360s Traffic is not yet migrated to the latest revision. 2.360s Ingress has not yet been reconciled. 2.361s Waiting for load balancer to be ready 2.420s Ready to serve. Service 'express-service' updated to latest revision 'express-service-00003' is available at URL: Verify Auto Scaling To test auto scaling on your application, use a concurrent request tool such as Hey to send continuous requests to your application as described below. Install the hey CLI tool. $ sudo apt install hey -y View the list of running pods in the knative-app namespace $ kubectl get pods -n knative-app Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE express-service-00002-deployment-6fbdc5b5b8-4nvb6 1/1 Running 0 3m39s express-service-00003-deployment-5776757969-l5tbk 1/1 Running 0 34m Send 300 seconds of traffic while maintaining 5000 concurrent requests to your application using the following command $ hey -z 300s -c 5000 "" --namespace knative-app Verify that the pods are scaling up $ kubectl get pods -n knative-app Your output should look like the one below: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE express-service-00001-deployment-7dcd484688-kwnjx 2/2 Running 0 9s express-service-00001-deployment-7dcd484688-qst6c 2/2 Running 0 12s express-service-00002-deployment-6fbdc5b5b8-4nvb6 2/2 Running 0 3m39s express-service-00003-deployment-5776757969-l5tbk 2/2 Running 0 34m Route Traffic to Revisions Each time you create or update a service, Knative creates a new revision. Route incoming traffic to revisions as described in the steps below. List all express-service application revisions $ kn revision list --namespace knative-app Output: NAME SERVICE TRAFFIC TAGS GENERATION AGE CONDITIONS READY REASON express-service-00003 express-service 100% 3 82s 4 OK / 4 True express-service-00002 express-service 2 5m25s 3 OK / 4 True express-service-00001 express-service 1 34m 3 OK / 4 True Verify the percentage of requests routed to specific revisions in the TRAFFIC column. In the above output, Knative has mapped all requests by 100% to only the express-service-00003 revision. View detailed information about the express-service-00003 revision $ kn revision describe express-service-00003 --namespace knative-app Output: Name: express-service-00003 Namespace: knative-app Annotations:, Age: 25s Image: (at 8ab6c7) Replicas: 1/1 Port: 8080 Scale: 1 ... 20 Concurrency: Limit: 10 Service: express-service Conditions: OK TYPE AGE REASON ++ Ready 23s ++ ContainerHealthy 23s ++ ResourcesAvailable 23s ++ Active 23s To distribute traffic among all three service revisions, apply the --traffic option to update the service using the following command $ kn service update express-service --traffic express-service-00001=25 --traffic express-service-00002=35 --traffic express-service-00003=40 --namespace knative-app Verify that the traffic is distributed among all revisions $ kn revision list --namespace knative-app Output: NAME SERVICE TRAFFIC TAGS GENERATION AGE CONDITIONS READY REASON express-service-00003 express-service 40% 3 23m 4 OK / 4 True express-service-00002 express-service 35% 2 27m 4 OK / 4 True express-service-00001 express-service 25% 1 56m 3 OK / 4 True Verify the traffic distribution values displayed in the TRAFFIC column Conclusion You have deployed a serverless application on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster. You implemented the different deployment methods and scaled the serverless application using concurrency and scaling limits. By using Knative Serving, you can streamline the process of building, deploying, and scaling serverless workloads in your cluster. For more information about Knative Service, visit the Knative Serving documentation.

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