
How to Deploy NATS on Rcs Kubernetes Engine Print

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NATS is an open-source, lightweight, and high-performance messaging system designed to build distributed and scalable applications. It provides publish-subscribe, queuing and request-reply messaging patterns that are often used in cloud-native and microservice implementations.

NATS offers publish-subscribe messaging in that a publisher sends a message on a subject and any active subscriber listening on the subject receives the message. This ensures that any message sent by a publisher reaches all registered subscribers.

In addition, NATS also provides queue-based messaging. This allows subscribers to register as part of a queue. Subscribers that are part of a queue form a queue group and only a single random queue group subscriber consumes a message each time it is received by the queue group.

In this guide, you will install a NATS cluster on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster using Helm. Then, you will deploy producer and consumer client applications to exchange messages using the NATS Go client within the cluster to verify how queue based messaging works with NATS.


Before you start:

  1. Deploy a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) clusterwith at least 3 nodes

  2. Deploy a OneClick Docker instance using the Rcs Marketplace Application to use the management server

  3. Create a Rcs Container Registry instance to build and store private repositories

  4. Using SSH, access the server as a non-root sudo user

  5. Install and Configure Kubectl to access the cluster

  6. Install the Helm CLI tool

     $ sudo snap install helm --classic
  7. Install Go

     $ sudo apt install golang

Install NATS

  1. Using Helm, add the NATS repository to your system

     $ helm repo add nats
  2. Update the Helm repositories

     $ help repo update
  3. Install NATS to your cluster

     $ helm install nats nats/nats
  4. View your cluster pods filtered by the name nats

     $ kubectl get pods

    Wait for the Pods to transition to Running similar to the output below:

     NAME                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     nats-0                      2/2     Running   0          25s
     nats-box-7ffb855bbb-dhtvk   1/1     Running   0          25s

Set Up the NATS consumer application

  1. Switch to your user home directory

     $ cd
  2. Create a new NATS application directory nats-vke

     $ mkdir nats-vke
  3. Switch to the directory

     $ cd nats-vke
  4. Create a new consumer application directory nats-consumer

     $ mkdir nats-consumer
  5. Switch to the directory

     $ cd nats-consumer
  6. Create a new Go module nats-consumer

     $ go mod init nats-consumer
  7. Using a text editor such as nano, create a new file consumer.go

     $ nano consumer.go
  8. Add the following contents to the file

     package main
     import (
     func main() {
         natsServer := os.Getenv("NATS_SERVER")
         if natsServer == "" {
             log.Fatal("missing NATS_SERVER env variable")
         subject := os.Getenv("NATS_SUBJECT")
         if subject == "" {
             log.Fatal("missing NATS_SUBJECT env variable")
         queueGroup := os.Getenv("NATS_QUEUE_GROUP")
         if queueGroup == "" {
             log.Fatal("missing NATS_QUEUE_GROUP env variable")
         nc, err := nats.Connect(natsServer)
         if err != nil {
             log.Fatalf("Error connecting to NATS: %v", err)
         fmt.Println("successfully connected to", natsServer)
         defer nc.Close()
         _, err = nc.QueueSubscribe(subject, queueGroup, func(msg *nats.Msg) {
             log.Printf("Received message on subject %s: %s", msg.Subject, string(msg.Data))
         if err != nil {
             log.Fatalf("Error subscribing to subject: %v", err)
         log.Printf("Subscribed to subject %s within queue group %s", subject, queueGroup)
     func waitForSignal() {
         sigCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
         signal.Notify(sigCh, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
         log.Println("Received termination signal. Shutting down...")

    Save and close the file.

    Below is what the above application code does in order of execution:

    • Reads the required environment variables for the NATS server, subject and the queue group
    • Connects to the NATS server
    • Subscribes to the subject using a queue group
    • The message handler logs messages received from the subject to the console

Create the Consumer Container image

  1. Create a new file Dockerfile

     $ nano Dockerfile
  2. Add the following configurations to the file

     FROM golang:1.18-buster AS build
     WORKDIR /app
     COPY go.mod ./
     COPY go.sum ./
     RUN go mod download
     COPY consumer.go ./
     RUN go build -o /nats-consumer-app
     WORKDIR /
     COPY --from=build /nats-consumer-app /nats-consumer-app
     EXPOSE 8080
     USER nonroot:nonroot
     ENTRYPOINT ["/nats-consumer-app"]

    Save and close the file.

    The above Dockerfile configuration uses a two-stage build process:

    • The first stage uses golang:1.18-buster as the base image to build the NATS consumer program binary
    • The second stage uses as the base image and copies the binary produced by the first stage
  3. Pull Go modules to create a new go.sum file

     $ go mod tidy
  4. List files and verify your directory structure

     $ ls


     consumer.go  Dockerfile  go.mod  go.sum
  5. Login to your Rcs Container Registry account. Replace example with your actual registry name

     $ docker login

    When prompted, enter your Registry username and password

  6. Build the nats-consumer-app container image

     $ docker build -t .
  7. Push the image to your registry

     $ docker build -t .

    When successful, your output should look like the one below:

     The push refers to repository []
     5adb57ca5a3c: Pushed
     91f7bcfdfda8: Pushed
     05ef21d76315: Pushed
     latest: digest: sha256:1ee56100e7ba4274a8c33b4c49740bbd2f69e4f7f75461208b7d2854c07c63c5 size: 949

Deploy the Nats Consumer Application to VKE

  1. Create a new deployment manifest file consumer.yaml

     $ nano consumer.yaml
  2. Add the following contents to the file

     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: Deployment
       name: nats-consumer
       replicas: 1
           app: nats-consumer
             app: nats-consumer
             - name: nats-consumer
               imagePullPolicy: Always
                 - name: NATS_SERVER
                   value: nats://nats:4222
                 - name: NATS_SUBJECT
                   value: vke-nats-demo-subject
                 - name: NATS_QUEUE_GROUP
                   value: vke-nats-demo-queue

    Save and close the file

  3. Deploy the consumer application to your cluster

     $ kubectl apply -f consumer.yaml
  4. View cluster pods with the name nats-consumer

     $ kubectl get pods -l=app=nats-consumer

    Verify that the nats-consumer pod is available and running similar to the output below:

     NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     nats-consumer-746f5ddf75-tzmxs    1/1     Running   0          12s

Set Up the NATS Producer Application

  1. Navigate to the root NATS project directory nats-vke

     $ cd /home/nats-vke/
  2. Create a new directory nats-producer

     $ mkdir nats-producer
  3. Switch to the directory

     $ cd nats-producer
  4. Create a new Go module

     $ go mod init nats-producer
  5. Create a new file producer.go

     $ nano producer.go
  6. Add the following contents to the file

     package main
     import (
     func main() {
         natsServer := os.Getenv("NATS_SERVER")
         if natsServer == "" {
             log.Fatal("missing NATS_SERVER env variable")
         subject := os.Getenv("NATS_SUBJECT")
         if subject == "" {
             log.Fatal("missing NATS_SUBJECT env variable")
         nc, err := nats.Connect(natsServer)
         if err != nil {
             log.Fatalf("Error connecting to NATS: %v", err)
         fmt.Println("successfully connected to", natsServer)
         defer nc.Close()
         c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
         signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
         go func() {
             fmt.Println("\nReceived termination signal. Exiting...")
         index := 0
         for {
             message := fmt.Sprintf("message-%d", index)
             if err := nc.Publish(subject, []byte(message)); err != nil {
                 log.Printf("Error publishing message: %v", err)
             } else {
                 log.Printf("Published message: %s", message)
             time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

    Save and close the file.

    Below is what the above application code does:

    • Reads the required environment variables for the NATS server and subject
    • Connects to the NATS server
    • Publishes messages to the NATS server in an infinite loop, and waits for three seconds between each iteration
    • Gracefully in response to a SIGTERM signal

Create the NATS Producer Container Image

  1. Create a new Dockerfile

     $ nano Dockerfile
  2. Add the following contents to the file

     FROM golang:1.18-buster AS build
     WORKDIR /app
     COPY go.mod ./
     COPY go.sum ./
     RUN go mod download
     COPY producer.go ./
     RUN go build -o /nats-producer-app
     WORKDIR /
     COPY --from=build /nats-producer-app /nats-producer-app
     EXPOSE 8080
     USER nonroot:nonroot
     ENTRYPOINT ["/nats-producer-app"]

    Save and close the file.

    The above Dockerfile configuration applies the two-stage build process below:

    • The first stage uses golang:1.18-buster as the base image to build the NATS producer program binary
    • The second stage uses as the base image and copies the binary produced by the first stage
  3. Pull Go modules to create a new go.sum file

     $ go mod tidy
  4. Build the container image with to include all directory files

     $ docker build -t .
  5. Push the image to your Rcs Container Registry. Replace example with your actual registry name

     $ docker push

Deploy the NATS Producer Application

  1. Create a new file producer.yaml

     $ nano producer.yaml
  2. Add the following contents to the file. Replace with your actual Rcs Container Registry URL

     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: Deployment
       name: nats-producer
       replicas: 1
           app: nats-producer
             app: nats-producer
             - name: nats-producer
               image: example-user/nats-producer-app
               imagePullPolicy: Always
                 - name: NATS_SERVER
                   value: nats://nats:4222
                 - name: NATS_SUBJECT
                   value: vke-nats-demo-subject

    Save and close the file.

  3. Deploy the producer application to your cluster

     $ kubectl apply -f producer.yaml
  4. Verify that the deployment is successful

     $ kubectl get deployments


     NAME             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
     nats-box         1/1     1            1           6h28m
     nats-consumer    2/2     2            2           6h15m
     nats-consumer2   1/1     1            1           34m
     nats-consumer3   0/1     1            0           33m
     nats-producer    1/1     1            1           6h5m    
  5. View cluster pods with the name nats-producer

     $ kubectl get pods -l=app=nats-producer


     NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
     nats-producer-842f5eef42-dfgz     1/1     Running   0          20s

Test the NATS Application Operations

To verify that you have correctly deployed NATS in your VKE cluster, test the application perfomance. Monitor the nats-producer and nats-consumer application logs to view the ongoing cluster operations as described below.

  1. View the NATS producer application logs

     $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-producer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    Monitor the Published Message operations similar to the output below:

     Published message: message-10
     Published message: message-11
     Published message: message-12
  2. View hhe NATS consumer application logs

     $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

    Verify the Received Message log operations

     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-10
     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-11
     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-12
  3. To implement load-balancing with multiple pods, scale up the NATS consumer application to 2 replicas

     $ kubectl scale deployment/nats-consumer --replicas=2
  4. View the NATS consumer pods to verify the new replica

     $ kubectl get pods -l=app=nats-consumer


     NAME                              READY   STATUS         RESTARTS   AGE
     nats-consumer-6fb9d66968-bclj7    1/1     Running        0          6h19m
     nats-consumer-6fb9d66968-cgr95    1/1     Running        0          6h33m

    The NATS consumer application performs load balancing across pods with sequence IDs depending on the deployment time. For example, the first pod is assigned the ID 0 and the second pod 1

  5. View the NATS consumer replica application ID 0

     $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[1]}')


     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-17
     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-20
     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-23
  6. View the replica application ID 1

     $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[1]}')


     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-18
     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-19
     Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-21

As displayed in the log output, the NATS application messages are load-balanced between the two consumer instances. NATS sends messages to each instance randomly cecause they are in the same queue group. This way, it's possible to distribute data processing load among multiple consumer instances and scale the application horizontally within the cluster.


You have deployed NATS on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster and tested cluster operations using a producer application that sends data to a NATS subject. To balance user traffic and the cluster load, you load-balanced the processing across multiple NATS consumer instances using a queue based messaging pattern. For more information on how to use NATS, visit the official documentation.

More Information

For more information on how to interact with VKE cluster services, visit the following resources:

Introduction NATS is an open-source, lightweight, and high-performance messaging system designed to build distributed and scalable applications. It provides publish-subscribe, queuing and request-reply messaging patterns that are often used in cloud-native and microservice implementations. NATS offers publish-subscribe messaging in that a publisher sends a message on a subject and any active subscriber listening on the subject receives the message. This ensures that any message sent by a publisher reaches all registered subscribers. In addition, NATS also provides queue-based messaging. This allows subscribers to register as part of a queue. Subscribers that are part of a queue form a queue group and only a single random queue group subscriber consumes a message each time it is received by the queue group. In this guide, you will install a NATS cluster on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster using Helm. Then, you will deploy producer and consumer client applications to exchange messages using the NATS Go client within the cluster to verify how queue based messaging works with NATS. Prerequisites Before you start: Deploy a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) clusterwith at least 3 nodes Deploy a OneClick Docker instance using the Rcs Marketplace Application to use the management server Create a Rcs Container Registry instance to build and store private repositories Using SSH, access the server as a non-root sudo user Install and Configure Kubectl to access the cluster Install the Helm CLI tool $ sudo snap install helm --classic Install Go $ sudo apt install golang Install NATS Using Helm, add the NATS repository to your system $ helm repo add nats Update the Helm repositories $ help repo update Install NATS to your cluster $ helm install nats nats/nats View your cluster pods filtered by the name nats $ kubectl get pods Wait for the Pods to transition to Running similar to the output below: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nats-0 2/2 Running 0 25s nats-box-7ffb855bbb-dhtvk 1/1 Running 0 25s Set Up the NATS consumer application Switch to your user home directory $ cd Create a new NATS application directory nats-vke $ mkdir nats-vke Switch to the directory $ cd nats-vke Create a new consumer application directory nats-consumer $ mkdir nats-consumer Switch to the directory $ cd nats-consumer Create a new Go module nats-consumer $ go mod init nats-consumer Using a text editor such as nano, create a new file consumer.go $ nano consumer.go Add the following contents to the file package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "" ) func main() { natsServer := os.Getenv("NATS_SERVER") if natsServer == "" { log.Fatal("missing NATS_SERVER env variable") } subject := os.Getenv("NATS_SUBJECT") if subject == "" { log.Fatal("missing NATS_SUBJECT env variable") } queueGroup := os.Getenv("NATS_QUEUE_GROUP") if queueGroup == "" { log.Fatal("missing NATS_QUEUE_GROUP env variable") } nc, err := nats.Connect(natsServer) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error connecting to NATS: %v", err) } fmt.Println("successfully connected to", natsServer) defer nc.Close() _, err = nc.QueueSubscribe(subject, queueGroup, func(msg *nats.Msg) { log.Printf("Received message on subject %s: %s", msg.Subject, string(msg.Data)) }) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error subscribing to subject: %v", err) } log.Printf("Subscribed to subject %s within queue group %s", subject, queueGroup) waitForSignal() } func waitForSignal() { sigCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigCh, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) <-sigCh log.Println("Received termination signal. Shutting down...") } Save and close the file. Below is what the above application code does in order of execution: Reads the required environment variables for the NATS server, subject and the queue group Connects to the NATS server Subscribes to the subject using a queue group The message handler logs messages received from the subject to the console Create the Consumer Container image Create a new file Dockerfile $ nano Dockerfile Add the following configurations to the file FROM golang:1.18-buster AS build WORKDIR /app COPY go.mod ./ COPY go.sum ./ RUN go mod download COPY consumer.go ./ RUN go build -o /nats-consumer-app FROM WORKDIR / COPY --from=build /nats-consumer-app /nats-consumer-app EXPOSE 8080 USER nonroot:nonroot ENTRYPOINT ["/nats-consumer-app"] Save and close the file. The above Dockerfile configuration uses a two-stage build process: The first stage uses golang:1.18-buster as the base image to build the NATS consumer program binary The second stage uses as the base image and copies the binary produced by the first stage Pull Go modules to create a new go.sum file $ go mod tidy List files and verify your directory structure $ ls Output: consumer.go Dockerfile go.mod go.sum Login to your Rcs Container Registry account. Replace example with your actual registry name $ docker login When prompted, enter your Registry username and password Build the nats-consumer-app container image $ docker build -t . Push the image to your registry $ docker build -t . When successful, your output should look like the one below: The push refers to repository [] 5adb57ca5a3c: Pushed 91f7bcfdfda8: Pushed 05ef21d76315: Pushed latest: digest: sha256:1ee56100e7ba4274a8c33b4c49740bbd2f69e4f7f75461208b7d2854c07c63c5 size: 949 Deploy the Nats Consumer Application to VKE Create a new deployment manifest file consumer.yaml $ nano consumer.yaml Add the following contents to the file apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nats-consumer spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nats-consumer template: metadata: labels: app: nats-consumer spec: containers: - name: nats-consumer image: imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: NATS_SERVER value: nats://nats:4222 - name: NATS_SUBJECT value: vke-nats-demo-subject - name: NATS_QUEUE_GROUP value: vke-nats-demo-queue Save and close the file Deploy the consumer application to your cluster $ kubectl apply -f consumer.yaml View cluster pods with the name nats-consumer $ kubectl get pods -l=app=nats-consumer Verify that the nats-consumer pod is available and running similar to the output below: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nats-consumer-746f5ddf75-tzmxs 1/1 Running 0 12s Set Up the NATS Producer Application Navigate to the root NATS project directory nats-vke $ cd /home/nats-vke/ Create a new directory nats-producer $ mkdir nats-producer Switch to the directory $ cd nats-producer Create a new Go module $ go mod init nats-producer Create a new file producer.go $ nano producer.go Add the following contents to the file package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os" "os/signal" "syscall" "time" "" ) func main() { natsServer := os.Getenv("NATS_SERVER") if natsServer == "" { log.Fatal("missing NATS_SERVER env variable") } subject := os.Getenv("NATS_SUBJECT") if subject == "" { log.Fatal("missing NATS_SUBJECT env variable") } nc, err := nats.Connect(natsServer) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error connecting to NATS: %v", err) } fmt.Println("successfully connected to", natsServer) defer nc.Close() c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-c fmt.Println("\nReceived termination signal. Exiting...") os.Exit(0) }() index := 0 for { message := fmt.Sprintf("message-%d", index) if err := nc.Publish(subject, []byte(message)); err != nil { log.Printf("Error publishing message: %v", err) } else { log.Printf("Published message: %s", message) } index++ time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) } } Save and close the file. Below is what the above application code does: Reads the required environment variables for the NATS server and subject Connects to the NATS server Publishes messages to the NATS server in an infinite loop, and waits for three seconds between each iteration Gracefully in response to a SIGTERM signal Create the NATS Producer Container Image Create a new Dockerfile $ nano Dockerfile Add the following contents to the file FROM golang:1.18-buster AS build WORKDIR /app COPY go.mod ./ COPY go.sum ./ RUN go mod download COPY producer.go ./ RUN go build -o /nats-producer-app FROM WORKDIR / COPY --from=build /nats-producer-app /nats-producer-app EXPOSE 8080 USER nonroot:nonroot ENTRYPOINT ["/nats-producer-app"] Save and close the file. The above Dockerfile configuration applies the two-stage build process below: The first stage uses golang:1.18-buster as the base image to build the NATS producer program binary The second stage uses as the base image and copies the binary produced by the first stage Pull Go modules to create a new go.sum file $ go mod tidy Build the container image with to include all directory files $ docker build -t . Push the image to your Rcs Container Registry. Replace example with your actual registry name $ docker push Deploy the NATS Producer Application Create a new file producer.yaml $ nano producer.yaml Add the following contents to the file. Replace with your actual Rcs Container Registry URL apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nats-producer spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: nats-producer template: metadata: labels: app: nats-producer spec: containers: - name: nats-producer image: example-user/nats-producer-app imagePullPolicy: Always env: - name: NATS_SERVER value: nats://nats:4222 - name: NATS_SUBJECT value: vke-nats-demo-subject Save and close the file. Deploy the producer application to your cluster $ kubectl apply -f producer.yaml Verify that the deployment is successful $ kubectl get deployments Output: NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE nats-box 1/1 1 1 6h28m nats-consumer 2/2 2 2 6h15m nats-consumer2 1/1 1 1 34m nats-consumer3 0/1 1 0 33m nats-producer 1/1 1 1 6h5m View cluster pods with the name nats-producer $ kubectl get pods -l=app=nats-producer Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nats-producer-842f5eef42-dfgz 1/1 Running 0 20s Test the NATS Application Operations To verify that you have correctly deployed NATS in your VKE cluster, test the application perfomance. Monitor the nats-producer and nats-consumer application logs to view the ongoing cluster operations as described below. View the NATS producer application logs $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-producer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') Monitor the Published Message operations similar to the output below: Published message: message-10 Published message: message-11 Published message: message-12 View hhe NATS consumer application logs $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') Verify the Received Message log operations Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-10 Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-11 Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-12 To implement load-balancing with multiple pods, scale up the NATS consumer application to 2 replicas $ kubectl scale deployment/nats-consumer --replicas=2 View the NATS consumer pods to verify the new replica $ kubectl get pods -l=app=nats-consumer Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nats-consumer-6fb9d66968-bclj7 1/1 Running 0 6h19m nats-consumer-6fb9d66968-cgr95 1/1 Running 0 6h33m The NATS consumer application performs load balancing across pods with sequence IDs depending on the deployment time. For example, the first pod is assigned the ID 0 and the second pod 1 View the NATS consumer replica application ID 0 $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[1]}') Output: Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-17 Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-20 Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-23 View the replica application ID 1 $ kubectl logs -f $(kubectl get pod -l=app=nats-consumer -o jsonpath='{.items[1]}') Output: Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-18 Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-19 Received message on subject vke-nats-demo-subject: message-21 As displayed in the log output, the NATS application messages are load-balanced between the two consumer instances. NATS sends messages to each instance randomly cecause they are in the same queue group. This way, it's possible to distribute data processing load among multiple consumer instances and scale the application horizontally within the cluster. Conclusion You have deployed NATS on a Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) cluster and tested cluster operations using a producer application that sends data to a NATS subject. To balance user traffic and the cluster load, you load-balanced the processing across multiple NATS consumer instances using a queue based messaging pattern. For more information on how to use NATS, visit the official documentation. More Information For more information on how to interact with VKE cluster services, visit the following resources: Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) Reference Guide Rcs Kubernetes Engine (VKE) Changelog How to Monitor Your VKE Cluster with tobs

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