
Exploring Rcs GPU Stack | Generative AI Series Print

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Llama 2 is an open-source large language model from Hugging Face. You can use the model in your application to perform natural language processing (NLP) tasks.

The Rcs GPU Stack is a preconfigured compute instance with all the essential components for developing and deploying AI and ML applications. In this tutorial, you'll explore the Rcs GPU Stack environment and run a Llama 2 model in a Docker container.


Before you begin:

Explore the Rcs GPU Stack environment

The Rcs GPU stack has many packages that simplify AI model development. Follow the steps below to ensure your environment is up and running:

  1. Check the configuration of the NVIDIA GPU server by running the nvidia-smi command.

    $ nvidia-smi
  2. Confirm the following output.

    | NVIDIA-SMI 525.125.06   Driver Version: 525.125.06   CUDA Version: 12.0     |
    | GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
    | Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
    |                               |                      |               MIG M. |
    |   0  GRID A100D-4C       On   | 00000000:06:00.0 Off |                    0 |
    | N/A   N/A    P0    N/A /  N/A |      0MiB /  4096MiB |      0%      Default |
    |                               |                      |             Disabled |
    | Processes:                                                                  |
    |  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
    |        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
    |  No running processes found                                                 |

    The above output confirms that the NVIDIA driver is up and running and the GPU is accessible from the OS. The output also shows that the instance has an A100 GPU attached.

  3. Inspect the docker runtime environment by running the following commands:

    • Check the Docker version.

      $ sudo docker version


      Client: Docker Engine - Community
      Version:           24.0.7
      API version:       1.43
      Go version:        go1.20.10
      Git commit:        afdd53b
      Built:             Thu Oct 26 09:07:41 2023
      OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
      Context:           default
      Server: Docker Engine - Community
       Version:          24.0.7
       API version:      1.43 (minimum version 1.12)
       Go version:       go1.20.10
       Git commit:       311b9ff
       Built:            Thu Oct 26 09:07:41 2023
       OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
       Experimental:     false
       Version:          1.6.24
       GitCommit:        61f9fd88f79f081d64d6fa3bb1a0dc71ec870523
       Version:          1.1.9
       GitCommit:        v1.1.9-0-gccaecfc
       Version:          0.19.0
       GitCommit:        de40ad0
    • Display the Docker system information.

      $ sudo docker info


      Client: Docker Engine - Community
       Version:    24.0.7
       Context:    default
       Debug Mode: false
        buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc.)
          Version:  v0.11.2
          Path:     /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx
        compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc.)
          Version:  v2.21.0
          Path:     /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose
       Runtimes: runc io.containerd.runc.v2 nvidia
       Default Runtime: runc
       Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
       Debug Mode: false
       Experimental: false
       Insecure Registries:
       Live Restore Enabled: false

    The above output omits some settings for brevity. However, the critical aspect is the availability of the NVIDIA container runtime, which enables Docker containers to access the underlying GPU.

  4. Run an Ubuntu image and execute the nvidia-smi command within the container.

    $ sudo docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia --gpus all ubuntu nvidia-smi


    | NVIDIA-SMI 525.125.06   Driver Version: 525.125.06   CUDA Version: 12.0     |
    | GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
    | Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
    |                               |                      |               MIG M. |
    |   0  GRID A100D-4C       On   | 00000000:06:00.0 Off |                    0 |
    | N/A   N/A    P0    N/A /  N/A |      0MiB /  4096MiB |      0%      Default |
    |                               |                      |             Disabled |
    | Processes:                                                                  |
    |  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
    |        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
    |  No running processes found                                                 |

    The above output confirms that Docker containers have access to the GPU. In the next step, you'll run LLama2 through a container.

Run Llama2 Model on a Rcs GPU Stack

In this step, you'll launch the Hugging Face Text Generation Inference container to expose the Llama-2-7b-chat-hf parameter model through an API. Follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out the Llama 2 model request form.

  2. Use the same email address to sign up for a Hugging Face account and create an access token.

    Creating a Hugging Face access token

  3. Request access to the Llama-2-7b-chat-hf repository.

  4. Run the following command on your SSH interface to initialize some environment variables. Replace YOUR_HF_TOKEN with the correct Hugging Face token.

  5. Create a data directory to store the model's artifacts in your home directory.

    $ mkdir data
  6. Run the command below to launch the Docker container and initialize the Llama 2 model.

    $ sudo docker run -d \
        --name hf-tgi \
        --runtime=nvidia \
        --gpus all \
        -e HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN=$token \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v $volume:/data \ --model-id $model


    Digest: sha256:55...45871608f903f7f71d7d
    Status: Downloaded newer image for
  7. Wait for the container to start and check the logs.

    $ sudo docker logs -f hf-tgi

    The last few lines below indicate the host is now listening to incoming HTTP connections, and the API is ready.

     ...Invalid hostname, defaulting to
  8. Run the following curl command to query the API.

    $ curl \
        -X POST \
        -d '{"inputs":"What is Deep Learning?","parameters":{"max_new_tokens":128}}' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


    {"generated_text":"\n\nDeep learning (also known as deep structured learning) is part of a broader family of machine learning techniques based on artificial neural networks—specifically, on the representation and processing of data using multiple layers of neural networks. Learning can be supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised.\n\nDeep-learning architectures such as Deep Neural Networks, Deep Belief Networks, and Deep Reinforcement Learning have been applied to fields including visual recognition, natural language processing, speech recognition, and expert system.\n\nDeep learning has been described as a \"paradigm shift\""}

    The output confirms that the LLM is running.

Query the Llama2 Model Using Jupyter Notebook

Use the Python client to invoke the model from a Jupyter Notebook by following the steps below:

  1. Install the HF Text Generation client by running the command below.

    $ pip install text-generation
  2. Run the Jupyter Lab and retrieve the access token.

    $ jupyter lab --ip --port 8890


  3. Allow port 8890 through the firewall.

    $ sudo ufw allow 8890
    $ sudo ufw reload
  4. Access the Jupyter Lab on a browser and replace YOUR_SERVER_IP with the public IP address of the GPU instance.

  5. Click Python 3 ipykernel under Notebook and paste the following Python code.

    from text_generation import Client
    tgi_client = Client(URI)
    prompt='What is the most important tourist attraction in Paris?'
    print(tgi_client.generate(prompt, max_new_tokens=100).generated_text.strip())
  6. Run the above code. The LLM responds to your query and displays the following response.

    Paris, the City of Light, is known for its iconic landmarks, cultural institutions, and historical significance. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Paris has a plethora of attractions that draw visitors from all over the globe. While opinions may vary, some of the most important tourist attractions in Paris include:
    1. The Eiffel Tower: The most iconic symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower  


This tutorial walked you through running the LLama 2 model in a container on the Rcs GPU Stack. In the next section, you'll explore other advanced LLM models.

Introduction Llama 2 is an open-source large language model from Hugging Face. You can use the model in your application to perform natural language processing (NLP) tasks. The Rcs GPU Stack is a preconfigured compute instance with all the essential components for developing and deploying AI and ML applications. In this tutorial, you'll explore the Rcs GPU Stack environment and run a Llama 2 model in a Docker container. Prerequisites Before you begin: Deploy a new Ubuntu 22.04 A100 Rcs Cloud GPU Server with at least: 80 GB GPU RAM 12 vCPUs 120 GB Memory Establish an SSH connection to the server. Create a non-root user with sudo rights and switch to the account. Create a HuggingFace account. Create a Hugging Face user access token. Explore the Rcs GPU Stack environment The Rcs GPU stack has many packages that simplify AI model development. Follow the steps below to ensure your environment is up and running: Check the configuration of the NVIDIA GPU server by running the nvidia-smi command. CONSOLE Copy $ nvidia-smi Confirm the following output. OUTPUT Copy +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 525.125.06 Driver Version: 525.125.06 CUDA Version: 12.0 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 GRID A100D-4C On | 00000000:06:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A N/A P0 N/A / N/A | 0MiB / 4096MiB | 0% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | No running processes found | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The above output confirms that the NVIDIA driver is up and running and the GPU is accessible from the OS. The output also shows that the instance has an A100 GPU attached. Inspect the docker runtime environment by running the following commands: Check the Docker version. CONSOLE Copy $ sudo docker version Output. Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 24.0.7 API version: 1.43 Go version: go1.20.10 Git commit: afdd53b Built: Thu Oct 26 09:07:41 2023 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Context: default Server: Docker Engine - Community Engine: Version: 24.0.7 API version: 1.43 (minimum version 1.12) Go version: go1.20.10 Git commit: 311b9ff Built: Thu Oct 26 09:07:41 2023 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 Experimental: false containerd: Version: 1.6.24 GitCommit: 61f9fd88f79f081d64d6fa3bb1a0dc71ec870523 runc: Version: 1.1.9 GitCommit: v1.1.9-0-gccaecfc docker-init: Version: 0.19.0 GitCommit: de40ad0 Display the Docker system information. CONSOLE Copy $ sudo docker info Output. Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 24.0.7 Context: default Debug Mode: false Plugins: buildx: Docker Buildx (Docker Inc.) Version: v0.11.2 Path: /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-buildx compose: Docker Compose (Docker Inc.) Version: v2.21.0 Path: /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose Server: ... Runtimes: runc io.containerd.runc.v2 nvidia Default Runtime: runc ... Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker Debug Mode: false Experimental: false Insecure Registries: Live Restore Enabled: false The above output omits some settings for brevity. However, the critical aspect is the availability of the NVIDIA container runtime, which enables Docker containers to access the underlying GPU. Run an Ubuntu image and execute the nvidia-smi command within the container. CONSOLE Copy $ sudo docker run --rm --runtime=nvidia --gpus all ubuntu nvidia-smi Output. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | NVIDIA-SMI 525.125.06 Driver Version: 525.125.06 CUDA Version: 12.0 | |-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC | | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. | | | | MIG M. | |===============================+======================+======================| | 0 GRID A100D-4C On | 00000000:06:00.0 Off | 0 | | N/A N/A P0 N/A / N/A | 0MiB / 4096MiB | 0% Default | | | | Disabled | +-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Processes: | | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory | | ID ID Usage | |=============================================================================| | No running processes found | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The above output confirms that Docker containers have access to the GPU. In the next step, you'll run LLama2 through a container. Run Llama2 Model on a Rcs GPU Stack In this step, you'll launch the Hugging Face Text Generation Inference container to expose the Llama-2-7b-chat-hf parameter model through an API. Follow the steps below: Fill out the Llama 2 model request form. Use the same email address to sign up for a Hugging Face account and create an access token. Request access to the Llama-2-7b-chat-hf repository. Run the following command on your SSH interface to initialize some environment variables. Replace YOUR_HF_TOKEN with the correct Hugging Face token. CONSOLE Copy model=meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf volume=$PWD/data token=YOUR_HF_TOKEN Create a data directory to store the model's artifacts in your home directory. CONSOLE Copy $ mkdir data Run the command below to launch the Docker container and initialize the Llama 2 model. CONSOLE Copy $ sudo docker run -d \ --name hf-tgi \ --runtime=nvidia \ --gpus all \ -e HUGGING_FACE_HUB_TOKEN=$token \ -p 8080:80 \ -v $volume:/data \ --model-id $model Output. Digest: sha256:55...45871608f903f7f71d7d Status: Downloaded newer image for 78a39...f3e1dca928e00f859 Wait for the container to start and check the logs. CONSOLE Copy $ sudo docker logs -f hf-tgi The last few lines below indicate the host is now listening to incoming HTTP connections, and the API is ready. ... ...Connected ...Invalid hostname, defaulting to Run the following curl command to query the API. CONSOLE Copy $ curl \ -X POST \ -d '{"inputs":"What is Deep Learning?","parameters":{"max_new_tokens":128}}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' Output. JSON Copy {"generated_text":"\n\nDeep learning (also known as deep structured learning) is part of a broader family of machine learning techniques based on artificial neural networks—specifically, on the representation and processing of data using multiple layers of neural networks. Learning can be supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised.\n\nDeep-learning architectures such as Deep Neural Networks, Deep Belief Networks, and Deep Reinforcement Learning have been applied to fields including visual recognition, natural language processing, speech recognition, and expert system.\n\nDeep learning has been described as a \"paradigm shift\""} The output confirms that the LLM is running. Query the Llama2 Model Using Jupyter Notebook Use the Python client to invoke the model from a Jupyter Notebook by following the steps below: Install the HF Text Generation client by running the command below. CONSOLE Copy $ pip install text-generation Run the Jupyter Lab and retrieve the access token. $ jupyter lab --ip --port 8890 Output. http://YOUR_SERVER_HOST_NAME:8890/lab?token=b7ab2bdscb366edsddssfsff0faeb5fa68b6b0cf Allow port 8890 through the firewall. CONSOLE Copy $ sudo ufw allow 8890 $ sudo ufw reload Access the Jupyter Lab on a browser and replace YOUR_SERVER_IP with the public IP address of the GPU instance. https://YOUR_SERVER_IP:8888/lab?token=YOUR_JUPYTER_LAB_TOKEN Click Python 3 ipykernel under Notebook and paste the following Python code. PYTHON Copy from text_generation import Client URI='http://localhost:8080' tgi_client = Client(URI) prompt='What is the most important tourist attraction in Paris?' print(tgi_client.generate(prompt, max_new_tokens=100).generated_text.strip()) Run the above code. The LLM responds to your query and displays the following response. Paris, the City of Light, is known for its iconic landmarks, cultural institutions, and historical significance. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Paris has a plethora of attractions that draw visitors from all over the globe. While opinions may vary, some of the most important tourist attractions in Paris include: 1. The Eiffel Tower: The most iconic symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower Conclusion This tutorial walked you through running the LLama 2 model in a container on the Rcs GPU Stack. In the next section, you'll explore other advanced LLM models.

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