

Best Practices and Techniques with the MySQL Enum Datatype IntroductionIn MySQL, you can use the ENUM data type to specify a list of permitted values in a... Build a REST API in Go with RCS Managed Databases for MySQL Introduction This article explains how to build a secure REST API in Go with RCS Managed... Cache MySQL Data with Redis and PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionRedis (Remote Dictionary Server) is a fast open-source in-memory key-value database... Cache MySQL Data with the PHP Memcached Library IntroductionMemcached is a distributed memory caching system that you can use to speed up your... Choose WordPress Database Backend: Managed MySQL vs Self Hosted IntroductionA WordPress database is a key backend component that determines the general site... Configure MySQL Group Replication on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionMySQL Group Replication is a plugin to create a highly-available fault-tolerant... Configure OpenCart with Facebook Business Extension on FreeBSD 12 IntroductionThis tutorial shows how to perform the end-to-end installation of Opencart 3.0.3 with... Contribute to the NTP Pool Project with a Debian 10 VPS Servers and workstations use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize the date and time over... Create MySQL Lookup Tables with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionA lookup table is an array of items for users to select from your application when... Create a Central PHP Data Validator Class IntroductionIt's essential to validate untrusted user data before processing when you're working... Create a Centralized PHP Data Object Class for MySQL IntroductionPHP Data Object (PDO) is a database abstraction layer that unifies access to... Create a JSON REST API with PHP and MySQL On Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionAn application programming interface (API) is a middleware that allows two... Create a Redis Leaderboard with Golang IntroductionRedis sorted set (ZSET) is a powerful data structure that allows you to create highly... Deploying OpenFaaS using Docker Swarm IntroductionOpenFaaS is an open-source Function-As-A-Service (FaaS) project which works with... Designing a Modern API with Golang and MySQL 8 on Linux IntroductionAn Application Programming Interface (API) is an intermediary software that allows... Designing a Modern API with Golang and MySQL 8 on Linux IntroductionAn Application Programming Interface (API) is an intermediary software that allows... Enforce Referential Integrity in MySQL With Foreign Keys IntroductionIn MySQL, referential integrity is a concept that maintains the relationship of data... Find and Delete Duplicate Rows in MySQL with GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses IntroductionSometimes, you might see more than one copy of the same record appearing in a MySQL... Format MySQL Data as JSON using PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionJSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a light-weight data interchange format used to... How to Backup and Restore MySQL or MariaDB on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionThis tutorial describes the steps to properly backup a MySQL/MariaDB server on Ubuntu... How to Cache MySQL Data with Redis and Python on Ubuntu 20.04 Introduction You can improve the reliability of Python applications by caching frequently... How to Cache MySQL Data with Redis and Python on Ubuntu 20.04 .article--sm, .article--sm .alert { font-size: 15px; line-height: 24px;... How to Calculate Age From Date of Birth Using TIMESTAMPDIFF in MySQL IntroductionWhen you're creating an age-sensitive application such as a hospital or an insurance... How to Connect to RCS Managed Databases for MySQL with Popular Client Apps Introduction RCS Managed Databases for MySQL provide a secure, highly available, and easily... How to Create a Physical Backup and Restore a MySQL Database IntroductionIn MySQL, you can backup your data either by using a logical or a physical backup.... How to Execute Deployments Safely Using Kube-bench Delivering and deploying safe cloud applications regularly needs more skill and dedication.... How to Implement MySQL Full-Text Search IntroductionA MySQL full-text search index allows you to find matches for a given keyword against... How to Implement MySQL Transactions with Golang On Linux Server IntroductionA transaction is a group of SQL statements that you perform to complete a business... How to Implement MySQL Transactions with Golang On Linux Server IntroductionA transaction is a group of SQL statements that you perform to complete a business... How to Install Apache, MariaDB, and PHP (LAMP) on Rocky Linux LAMP stack is a collection of open-source software installed together to enable a server to host... How to Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP Stack) on CentOS 7 A LAMP stack is a collection of open-source software bundled and installed to enable a server to... How to Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP Stack) on CentOS 8 LAMP stack is a group of open-source software bundled and installed together to enable a server... How to Install MariaDB 10.3 or MySQL 8.0 on Arch Linux Prerequisites A Rcs server running up to date Arch Linux (see this article.) Sudo access:... How to Install MariaDB on OpenBSD 7 MariaDB is a popular open-source database management software commonly used as the drop-in... How to Install MariaDB on OpenBSD 7 MariaDB is a popular open-source database management software commonly used as the drop-in... How to Install MariaDB on OpenBSD 7 MariaDB is a popular open-source database management software commonly used as the drop-in... How to Install Nginx, MariaDB & PHP (LEMP) on Debian 10 OverviewThe LEMP stack consists of Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. It is similar to the LAMP stack,... How to Install OpenEMR on CentOS 7 IntroductionOpenEMR is an open-source electronic health records and medical practice management... How to Install OpenEMR on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionOpenEMR is an open-source electronic health records and medical practice management... How to Install X-Cart 5 on CentOS 8 X-Cart is an extremely flexible open-source eCommerce platform with tons of features and... How to Install X-Cart 5 on Debian 10 X-Cart is an extremely flexible open-source eCommerce platform with tons of features and... How to Install X-Cart 5 on Fedora 31 X-Cart is an extremely flexible open-source eCommerce platform with tons of features and... How to Install X-Cart 5 on FreeBSD 12 X-Cart is an extremely flexible open-source eCommerce platform with tons of features and... How to Install X-Cart 5 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS X-Cart is an extremely flexible open-source eCommerce platform with tons of features and... How to Migrate MySQL from AWS to a RCS Managed Database Introduction This guide explains how you can migrate your AWS Cloud Database to RCS with... How to Migrate a Local MySQL Database to a RCS Managed Database Introduction Migrating a local MySQL Database to RCS Managed Databases for MySQL is a good... How to Upgrade from Debian 10 to Debian 11 Debian 11 (Bullseye) is the new stable version of the Debian Linux operating system, which offers... How to Use Managed Databases for MySQL in Rust IntroductionMySQL is a free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that... How to Use RCS Managed Databases for MySQL in Rust Introduction This article demonstrates how to integrate a RCS Managed Database for MySQL... How to Use Views in MySQL 8 IntroductionIn MySQL, views are virtual tables for running pre-defined queries. Thus, they're... How to install FFmpeg on Fedora Linux IntroductionFFmpeg is a free, open-source utility to encode/decode video or audio. This tutorial... Implement Database Consistency in Golang with MySQL Locks When designing multi-user database applications, your primary concern is how to deal with data... Implement Database Consistency in Golang with MySQL Locks When designing multi-user database applications, your primary concern is how to deal with data... Implement Database Consistency in Golang with MySQL Locks When designing multi-user database applications, your primary concern is how to deal with data... Implement Role-Based Access Control with PHP and MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04 Server IntroductionWhen designing an internal application, you must provide a form of access control... Implement Token-based Authentication with Golang and MySQL 8 Server IntroductionToken-based authentication is a form of access control protocol. To implement it, you... Implementing Message Queuing with Golang, Redis, and MySQL 8 on Linux Server IntroductionMessage queuing is a micro-service architecture that allows you to move data between... Implementing Message Queuing with Golang, Redis, and MySQL 8 on Linux Server IntroductionMessage queuing is a micro-service architecture that allows you to move data between... Improve MySQL Data Integrity With Check Constraints IntroductionStarting from MySQL 8.0.16 database server and later versions, a CHECK constraint is... Install Dotclear CMS on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionDotclear is an open-source web publishing platform for LAMP. This guide explains how... Install MariaDB on Ubuntu IntroductionThis Quickstart guide explains how to install MariaDB on a Rcs Ubuntu cloud server.... Install MySQL on Ubuntu IntroductionThis Quickstart guide explains how to install MySQL on a Rcs Ubuntu cloud server. The... Install Subrion CMS with LAMP Stack On Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionSubrion is an open-source Content Management System (CMS) with a powerful modern... Install and Configure Redis on Debian 10 IntroductionRedis is an open-source in-memory data structure store. You can use it as a Memcached... Integrate MySQL and Apache Kafka using Change Data Capture with Debezium .article--sm, .article--sm .alert { font-size: 15px; line-height: 24px;... Integrate MySQL and Apache Kafka using Change Data Capture with Debezium IntroductionThis article demonstrates how to integrate a Rcs Managed Database for MySQL with... Integrate MySQL and Apache Kafka using Change Data Capture with Debezium IntroductionThis article demonstrates how to integrate a Rcs Managed Database for MySQL with... Page MySQL Data with a Limit Clause IntroductionPagination is the process of sub-dividing a large recordset into multiple manageable... RCS Managed Databases for MySQL Reference Guide .article--sm, .article--sm .alert { font-size: 15px; line-height: 24px;... Retrieve MySQL Running Totals With Subqueries, Windowed Functions and User-Defined Variables IntroductionIn MySQL, a running total is a derived column that computes one or more columns'... Save Time with PHP Data Object (PDO) Shortcuts IntroductionPHP Data Object (PDO) is a library that allows you to write portable code for... Secure MySQL Database with System Roles and Permissions IntroductionIn MySQL, a role is a group of named privileges that can be assigned to users. When... Semi-synchronous Replication with MariaDB on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionMariaDB allows for replication between servers using two different modes. Standard... Use Custom API Fields with PHP and MySQL on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionAllowing end-users to define custom fields when requesting data from your application... Use MySQL Aggregate Functions in Multiple Tables with Subqueries IntroductionMySQL aggregate functions are in-built self-contained modules that perform... Use MySQL Dual Passwords to Change Credentials without Downtime IntroductionStarting from MySQL 8.0.14, you can have dual passwords for users' accounts. You can... Use MySQL Transactions in PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionA MySQL transaction is a group of SQL (Structured Query Language) commands that you... Use MySQL Union Clause For Reporting IntroductionThe MySQL UNION statement combines the results of multiple SELECT statements. The... Using Many to Many SQL Relationships and Intermediate Tables IntroductionWhen working in a complex database, you can use an intermediate table to create a... Using MySQL BLOB Data with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04 IntroductionBLOB is an acronym for Binary Large Object. This data-type stores binary information... Using MySQL Magic Numbers with If and Case IntroductionWhen designing applications in MySQL, you'll encounter scenarios that require heavy... Working with MySQL Restrictive Mode IntroductionWhen some of the MySQL columns in a table are defined with the keyword NOT NULL, you...

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