
How to Use OpenTelemetry with Streamlit Applications Print

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OpenTelemetry is an efficient observability framework that enables developers to gain insights into the behavior and performance of distributed systems. By integrating OpenTelemetry into your applications, you can collect and analyze telemetry data, including metrics, logs, and traces, to understand the interactions and dependencies between different components. It aims at providing a standardized and vendor-agnostic way of instrumenting code across various components in distributed systems.

In this article, you will explore how to use OpenTelemetry with Streamlit, a popular framework for building interactive and data-driven web applications. You will learn how to instrument a Streamlit application with OpenTelemetry to enable distributed tracing, which allows you to trace requests across various services and understand their performance characteristics.

Concept of OpenTelemetry

At its core, OpenTelemetry focuses on distributed tracing, which involves tracking the flow of requests and operations across different services and components. It helps developers gain insights into the performance, behavior, and dependencies of their applications.

OpenTelemetry offers a range of instrumentation libraries, SDKs, and exporters that simplify the process of integrating tracing into applications. By instrumenting code with OpenTelemetry, developers can generate traces and capture valuable data points at key points in their application's execution.

Key Components of OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry consists of several key components that work together to provide observability:

  • Tracers: Are responsible for generating and managing spans, which represent individual units of work or operations within an application. Tracers instrument code to create spans that capture important details, such as timing, context, and metadata.

  • Spans: These are units of work or operations that are tracked within a distributed system. They capture information about the duration, context, and relationships between different spans, allowing developers to understand the flow and performance characteristics of requests.

  • Exporters: Send telemetry data, such as spans, to external systems or backends for storage, visualization, and analysis. They provide integrations with popular monitoring platforms like Jaeger, Prometheus, and Zipkin, enabling developers to gain insights into the behavior and performance of their applications.

Benefits of Using OpenTelemetry for Distributed Tracing

Using OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing offers several benefits such as:

  • Visibility: OpenTelemetry provides visibility into the behavior of distributed systems by capturing traces and capturing timing information at each step of the request flow. This visibility helps identify performance bottlenecks, latency issues, and dependencies between services.

  • Troubleshooting: With distributed tracing, developers can troubleshoot issues by examining the captured traces. By analyzing spans and their timings, they can pinpoint problematic areas and trace the root cause of performance or functional problems.

  • Optimization: OpenTelemetry allows developers to optimize the performance of their applications by identifying areas of high latency or inefficient operations. By analyzing spans and understanding the request flow, developers can make targeted optimizations to improve response times and overall system performance.

  • Standardization: OpenTelemetry offers a standardized approach to instrumentation and telemetry collection. With its vendor-agnostic design, it allows consistent monitoring and observability across different technologies, frameworks, and programming languages.

By using OpenTelemetry and leveraging its distributed tracing capabilities, developers can gain valuable insights into the behavior and performance of their applications. This leads to more efficient troubleshooting, optimization, and overall improvement of their systems.

Streamlit Overview

Streamlit is a Python library that simplifies the process of building interactive web applications for data science and machine learning tasks. It provides a straightforward API for creating user interfaces and rendering data visualizations, making it an ideal choice for quickly prototyping and sharing data-driven applications.


Before you begin, make sure you

Set up the Streamlit Application

  1. Create a new project directory.

    $ mkdir myproject 
  2. Change to the directory.

    $ cd myproject
  3. Install Tensorflow and other dependecies.

    $ python3 -m pip install pandas numpy scikit-learn tensorflow
  4. Install the python virtual environment package.

    $ sudo apt install python3.10-venv
  5. Within the project directoty, create a new virtual environment.

    $ python3 -m venv .venv
  6. Activate the environment.

    $ source .venv/bin/activate

    When activated, your terminal prompt changes and starts with (.venv) as below.

    (.venv) user@Rcs-server:~$
  7. Install Streamlit in the environment:

    $ python3 -m pip install streamlit
  8. Allow the default Streamlit port 8501 through the firewall.

    $ sudo ufw allow 8501
  9. Start Streamlit in the background.

    $ streamlit hello &


    Welcome to Streamlit. Check out our demo in your browser.
    Network URL:
    External URL:
    Ready to create your own Python apps super quickly?
    Head over to
    May you create awesome apps!
  10. In a web browser such as Safari, visit your server IP and load the Streamlit port 8501 to access the application.

    Default Streamlit Hello Application

  11. Stop the Streamlit applicaition. Verify its job id using jobs, then stop it using the kill command.

    $ kill %1
  12. Import a production-ready Streamlit application to your project directory to implement image recognition.

    $ git clone

    To train your own model from raw image data and deliver it using Streamlit. You can learn how to deploy a deep learning model with streamlit.

  13. After cloning the repository, change to the streamlit directory.

    $ cd streamlit
  14. List files in the directory.

    $ ls


    'desert(10).jpg'   dog.jpg   Forest_1419.jpg   ModelS.h5   SeaLake_1032.jpg

    In the above output, you should have two files ModelS.h5, and other files. The file ModelS.h5 is a Tensorflow model that containes the architecture of the Tensorflow neural network and final weights for the parameters of the model from the already conducted training. Code in the file loads the model and predicts the label of the test image uploaded via web interface generated from the Streamlit framework.

  15. Start Streamlit in the background.

    $ streamlit run &

    Instead of the hello applicaiton, Streamlit uses code from the file to start.

    Your output should look like the one below.

    You can now view your Streamlit app in your browser.
    Network URL:
    External URL:
  16. In your web browser, access the Streamlit web interface.

    Verify that the Streamlit application changes with a new interfae.

    Streamlit Application downloaded from Github

  17. To test the application, click the Browse files in the web application. Locate and upload a test image file from your computer.

  18. When the upload is complete, click Recognize to receive the program prediction.

  19. Stop the Streamlit application.

    $ kill %1

After testing the program functionality, you can setup Jaeger to collect the telemetry data as described in the following section.

Install Jaeger using Docker

  1. Pull the Jaeger Docker image to your server.

    $ sudo docker pull jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
  2. Start the Jaeger container using the command below.

    $ sudo docker run -d --name=jaeger -p 16686:16686 -p 6831:6831/udp jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest

    The above command creates and starts a new Docker container named jaeger using the Jaeger all-in-one image. It maps the container TCP port 16686 (for the Jaeger UI) and 6831/udp (for the Jaeger agent) to the corresponding host ports on your server.

  3. Allow the Jaegar ports through the firewall.

    $ ufw allow 16686/tcp && sudo ufw allow 6831/udp
  4. In a web browser, visit your Server IP and access the Jaeger UI on port 16686.

    The Jaegar web interface should load correctly without any errors if well installed.

    The web Interface of Jaeger UI

Jaegar is installed, up and running on the server. To send traces to Jaeger from the Streamlit application, follow the next section to instrument your application and collect traces for further analysis.

Instrument the Streamlit Application with OpenTelemetry

Install Tracing Dependencies

Using pip, install the OpenTelemetry API and exporter for Jaeger.

    $ python3 -m pip install opentelemetry-api opentelemetry-sdk opentelemetry-exporter-jaeger

Initialize OpenTelemetry

To star tracing your Streamlit application, initialize the OpenTelemetry SDK and configure the Jaeger exporter by adding the following code between the lines from PIL import Image and st.header("Image Recognition App") in the application file.

  1. Verify that you are operating the Streamlit application directory.

    $ pwd


  2. Using a text editor such as VIM, edit the file.

    $ vim
  3. Add the following configurations between from PIL import Image and st.header("Image Recognition App").

    # Import opentelemetry files
    from opentelemetry import trace
    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
    from opentelemetry.exporter.jaeger.thrift import JaegerExporter
    from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, Resource
            resource=Resource.create({SERVICE_NAME: "streamlet-app"})
    exporter = JaegerExporter(
        agent_host_name="localhost",  # Update with your Jaeger backend host
        agent_port= 6831  # Update with your Jaeger backend port
    # Initialize the OpenTelemetry tracer
    span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor(exporter)

    Adjust the service_name, agent_host_name, and agent_port to match your specific environment.

    Save and close the file.

After initializing the tracer with your service name as streamlet-app”. You can instrument functions to use different methods available in OpenTelemetry.

Instrument OpenTelemetry Functions

When instrumenting functions in Streamlit with OpenTelemetry, there are different approaches you can take to create spans and trace their execution. In this section, you will explore two common approaches: using the @trace decorator for automatic span creation and manually creating spans using the start_as_current_span method.

Using the @trace Decorator for Automatic Span Creation

OpenTelemetry provides a @trace decorator that automatically creates spans around function invocations. This approach allows seamless instrumentation without modifying the function's implementation. To use the @trace decorator, follow the steps below.

  1. Edit the file.

    $ vim
  2. Add the following configuration before the predict_label(image2) function.

    tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
    def predict_label(image2):

    Save and close the file.

    In the above configuration, the name parameter in the @trace decorator specifies the span name that is created for the function. The first line creates an instance of the trace assigned to the variable tracer, and the second line applies the decorator to the whole predict_label function.

    By applying the @trace (here @tracer) decorator to the function, OpenTelemetry will automatically create a span when the function is invoked. The span will encompass the entire execution of the function, providing insights into its duration and any child spans created within the function.

  3. Your modified file should look like the one below.

    import streamlit as st
    from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
    import numpy as np
    from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import load_img, img_to_array
    from PIL import Image
    # opentelemetry files import
    from opentelemetry import trace
    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
    from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
    from opentelemetry.exporter.jaeger.thrift import JaegerExporter
    from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, Resource
        resource=Resource.create({SERVICE_NAME: "streamlit-app"})
    exporter = JaegerExporter(
        agent_host_name="localhost",  # Update with your Jaeger backend host
        agent_port= 6831  # Update with your Jaeger backend port
    # Initialize the OpenTelemetry tracer
    span_processor = BatchSpanProcessor(exporter)
    st.header("Image Recognition App")
    st.caption("Upload an image. ")
    st.caption("The application will infer the one label out of 4 labels: 'Cloudy', 'Desert', 'Green_Area', 'Water'.")
    st.caption("Warning: Do not click Recognize button before uploading image. It will result in error.")
    # Load the model
    model = load_model("ModelS.h5")
    # Define the class names
    class_names = ['Cloudy', 'Desert', 'Green_Area', 'Water']
    # Fxn
    def load_image(image_file):
            img =
            return img
    imgpath = st.file_uploader("Choose a file", type =['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg'])
    if imgpath is not None:
        img = load_image(imgpath )
        st.image(img, width=250)
    tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
    def predict_label(image2):
            imgLoaded = load_img(image2, target_size=(255, 255))
            # Convert the image to an array
            img_array = img_to_array(imgLoaded)
            img_array = np.reshape(img_array, (1, 255, 255, 3))
            # Get the model predictions
            predictions = model.predict(img_array)
            #print("predictions:", predictions)
            # Get the class index with the highest predicted probability
            class_index = np.argmax(predictions[0])
            # Get the predicted class label
            predicted_label = class_names[class_index]
            return predicted_label
    if st.button('Recognise'):
        predicted_label = predict_label(imgpath)
        st.write("The image is predicted to be '{}'.".format(predicted_label))
  4. Start the Streamlit application.

    $ streamlit run &
  5. In your web browser, access the Streamlit application.

  6. Upload a test image and click Recognize to start the Streamlit functionality.

    As the Streamlit application runs, OpenTelemetry automatically collects traces based on the instrumentation you have set up. Spans are created around the instrumented functions and operations, capturing the execution details.

Traces collected by OpenTelemetry are exported to the configured backend application Jaegar. To visualize the exported traces, use the Jaeger web interface.

Visualize Traces using the Jaeger UI

To visualize the exported traces in the Jaeger UI, follow the steps below.

  1. In your web browser, navigate to the Jaeger UI.

  2. Within the Jaeger UI, locate the service name dropdown menu and select the name of your service ‘streamlet-app’ from the list. This filters traces specific to the Streamlit application.

    Trace for the service ‘streamlet-app’

    In case you do not see the streamlet-app option on your Service drop down menu, refresh the web page.

    Explore the traces in the Jaeger UI, which provides a comprehensive view of the request flow, spans, and their timings. You can analyze the performance, identify bottlenecks, and gain insights into the behavior of your Streamlit application.

By setting up the Jaeger exporter and visualising exported traces in the Jaeger UI, you can effectively monitor and analyze the behavior and performance of your Streamlit application.

Create Manual Spans

You can manually create spans using the start_as_current_span method provided by the OpenTelemetry API. This approach gives you more fine-grained control over when and where to create spans. To manually create spans, follow the steps below.

  1. Edit the file.

    $ vim
  2. Comment out using # on the two configuration lines you previous added to the file as below.

    #tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
    def predict_label(image2):

    Within the predict_label() function, use the start_as_current_span method to create a span:

    def predict_label(image2):
      tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
      with tracer.start_as_current_span("my_function"):
          imgLoaded = load_img(image2, target_size=(255, 255))
          # Convert the image to an array
          img_array = img_to_array(imgLoaded)

    By using the start_as_current_span method within a with statement, you create a span that encompasses the code block inside it. You can provide a descriptive name for the span using the name parameter.

    Save and close the file.

  3. In the Streamlit web interface, recognise one image, and start observing the trace in Jaeger. You output will look the one in the graphic below.

    Trace for <code>my-function</code>

    When you click the span bar, you can see the individual spans as follows:

    Spans for <code>my-function</code> trace

    The manual approach allows you to have more control over span creation, allowing you to create spans at specific points in your code and nest them as needed. It's useful when you want to trace specific parts of a function or when you need to create child spans within a function as nested spans. To observe it in action, modify the code in file as below.

    def predict_label(image2):
      tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
      with tracer.start_as_current_span("my_function") as parent:
          imgLoaded = load_img(image2, target_size=(255, 255))
          # Convert the image to an array
          img_array = img_to_array(imgLoaded)
          img_array = np.reshape(img_array, (1, 255, 255, 3))
          # Get the model predictions
          with tracer.start_as_current_span("predict") as child:
              predictions = model.predict(img_array)
              #print("predictions:", predictions)
              # Get the class index with the highest predicted probability
              class_index = np.argmax(predictions[0])
              # Get the predicted class label
              predicted_label = class_names[class_index]
              return predicted_label

    Save and close the file.

    In the above configuration, you have added three code lines – two lines below def predict_label(image2): and one line before predictions = model.predict(img_array) in your file to create nested spans.

    Run the application using the above instrumentation and use it to predict one image. Access the Jaeger UI and refresh the web interface. In the Operation drop down menu, the my_function is displayed similar to the graphic below.

    Trace for nested <code>my-function</code>

    Spans for the nested trace.

    Spans for nested <code>my-function</code>

    By choosing either the @trace decorator or manual span creation, you can effectively instrument your functions in the Streamlit applications with OpenTelemetry. This enables the tracing of function invocations and provides valuable insights into their execution and performance characteristics.


In this article, you integrated OpenTelemetry with Streamlit applications brings for observability and understanding of application performance. By leveraging OpenTelemetry's tracing capabilities, you gain valuable insights into the behavior, timing, and performance of your Streamlit application.

For more information about OpenTelemetry and Streamlit, visit the following resources.

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