
Install MongoDB on CentOS Print

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MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database commonly used in modern web applications. This tutorial will walk you through setting up MongoDB on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS Linux:

  • RHEL / CentOS 8

  • RHEL / CentOS 7

  • RHEL / CentOS 6

Update your system before beginning installation.

Install MongoDB Community Edition

Install MongoDB with the yum package manager.

  1. Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.4.repo file for MongoDB.

    # nano /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-4.4.repo
  2. Paste the following into the editor:

    name=MongoDB Repository
  3. Save and exit the file.

  4. To install the latest stable version of MongoDB:

    # sudo yum install -y mongodb-org

If you need to install a specific version or prevent automatic upgrades, see the MongoDB documentation.

Setup MongoDB

  1. Start MongoDB.

    # systemctl start mongod.service
    # systemctl enable mongod.service
  2. Connect to MongoDB.

    # mongo

Next Steps

MongoDB is not secure by default. Use our guide to configure MongoDB security and authentication.

Note: Any start-up warnings related to Readahead can be safely ignored. To prevent these warnings, verify that the sectors are "as stated" in the warning by running blockdev –getra /dev/vda1. If the output is greater than 512, run the following commands:

blockdev --setra 512 /dev/vda1

systemctl restart mongod

The warning will now be resolved.

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