
How To Install RubyGems on Linux Print

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RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby. A package manager organizes packages during development of an application. In this doc, you will learn how to install RubyGems on Linux. I have included instructions for both Ubuntu and CentOS.


Ruby must have already been installed. If you need to install Ruby, see the following guides:


You will need wget to download RubyGems, install it if you haven't already:

apt-get install wget

Next, we can download RubyGems using wget:


We can now untar RubyGems:

tar xvf rubygems*

We can now install RubyGems using Ruby:

ruby setup.rb

You can now use the RubyGems commands. For a full list, please refer to the official website.


If you do not have wget installed yet, install it:

yum install wget

After installation of wget, we can download RubyGems:


Next, we have to untar RubyGems:

tar xvf rubygems*

Enter its directory:

cd rubygems-1.5.0

We can now install RubyGems using Ruby:

ruby setup.rb

You can now use the RubyGems commands. For a full list, please refer to the official website.

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