
How to Use InfluxDB with Python Print

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InfluxDB is a time-series database that powers most IoT projects like home automation apps, AI security cameras, health applications, server monitoring systems, and more. Although InfluxDB is a powerful database, you can enhance its functionalities using Python modules. Python offers a great library and its popularity is rapidly growing due to its user-friendly data structures and code versatility.

This guide explains how to use the InfluxDB library with Python on a Ubuntu server. The library is a flexible self-contained driver that allows you to establish communication to an InfluxDB database using Python.


Before you begin:

Install the influxdb Library and Create a Sample Database

  1. Update the server.

    $ sudo apt update
  2. Install the pip Python package manager.

    $ sudo apt install -y python3-pip
  3. Using pip install the influxdb library.

    $ pip install influxdb

    If the above command returns an error, use:

    $ apt install -y python3-influxdb
  4. Log in to the InfluxDB database console. Replace EXAMPLE_PASSWORD with a strong password.

    $ influx -username 'admin' -password 'EXAMPLE_PASSWORD'


    Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.6.7~rc0
    InfluxDB shell version: 1.6.7~rc0
  5. Create a sample fitness_app_db database.

    > CREATE DATABASE fitness_app_db
  6. Switch to the new fitness_app_db database.

    > USE fitness_app_db
  7. Insert sample data into the fitness_app_db database using the line protocol syntax.

    > INSERT steps_counter,user=john_doe daily_steps=1879i
       INSERT steps_counter,user=mary_doe daily_steps=2785i
       INSERT steps_counter,user=jane_smith daily_steps=4563i

    The above commands declare steps_counter as the name of the measurement. The user tag uniquely identifies each user in the database. Then the daily_steps field logs a user's total daily steps in the database. The trailing i at the end of the daily_steps field value instructs InfluxDB to insert values as integers.

  8. Query the steps_counter measurements to verify the data.

    > SELECT "user", "daily_steps" FROM "steps_counter"


      name: steps_counter
      time                user       daily_steps
      ----                ----       -----------
      1687426847395972699 john_doe   1879
      1687426847414045751 mary_doe   2785
      1687426847498567130 jane_smith 4563
  9. Exit the InfluxDB database console.

    > quit

Create an InfluxDB Database Gateway Class

In this section, create a separate project directory to store your Python source code. Then, within the directory, create a custom InfluxDB database gateway module to communicate with the database you created earlier as described below.

  1. Create a new project directory for your application.

    $ mkdir project
  2. Switch to the new project directory.

    $ cd project
  3. Using a text editor such as Nano, open the file.

    $ nano
  4. Add the following configurations to the file.

    from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
    class InfluxDbGateway:
        def db_conn(self):
            client = InfluxDBClient(
            return client
        def query_data(self):
            inf_db_client = self.db_conn()
            result = inf_db_client.query('SELECT "user", "daily_steps" FROM "steps_counter"')
            return list(result)
        def insert_data(self, data_points):
            user = data_points['user']
            daily_steps = data_points['daily_steps']
            inf_db_client = self.db_conn()
                    "measurement": "steps_counter",
                    "tags": {"user": user},
                    "fields": {"daily_steps": daily_steps}
            return ['success']

    Replace EXAMPLE_PASSWORD with the actual InfluxDB password you created earlier.

    Below is what the configuration file does:

    • from influxdb import InfluxDBClient declaration imports the InfluxDB library to the file.

    • class InfluxDbGateway: initializes a new class with three methods as below:

      • def db_conn(self): connects to the sample fitness_app_db database.

      • def query_data(self): queries the steps_counter measurement to retrieve points using the line protocol syntax SELECT "user", "daily_steps" FROM "steps_counter" and returns the data as a list (return list(result)).

      • def insert_data(self, data_points): accepts InfluxDB data points in JSON format and runs the inf_db_client.write_points() function to write the points to the database. After writing the points, the method returns a success message return ['success'].

    Save and close the file.

Create the Application Startup File

In this section, you will combine the sample databae, and gateway module to create a startup file for the application as described below.

  1. Create a new file.

    $ nano
  2. Add the following configurations to the file.

    import http.server
    from http import HTTPStatus
    import socketserver
    import json
    import influx_db_gateway
    class HttpHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
        def do_GET(self):
            self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
            db_gateway = influx_db_gateway.InfluxDbGateway()
            result = db_gateway.query_data()
            self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(result, indent=2) + "\n", "utf8"))
        def do_POST(self):
            content_length = int(self.headers['Content-Length'])
            post_data =
            data_points = json.loads(post_data)
            self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
            db_gateway = influx_db_gateway.InfluxDbGateway()
            result = db_gateway.insert_data(data_points)
            self.wfile.write(bytes(json.dumps(result, indent=2) + "\n", "utf8"))
    httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 8082), HttpHandler)
    print("Web server is now running on port 8082...")
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("The HTTP server has stopped running.")

    Below is what the configuration file does:

    • import...: imports the Python HTTP modules http.server, HTTPStatus, socketserver, JSON module json, and the custom influx_db_gateway module you created earlier.

    • HttpHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): handles the following HTTP methods:

      • GET: retrieves points from the database using the db_gateway = influx_db_gateway.InfluxDbGateway() and result = db_gateway.query_data() statements.

      • POST: inserts new data points in the database using the db_gateway = influx_db_gateway.InfluxDbGateway() and result = db_gateway.insert_data(data_points) statements.

    • The following code returns the correct status codes and headers to HTTP clients.

      self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
    • The code block below starts a web server that accepts incoming HTTP requests on port 8082.

      httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(('', 8082), HttpHandler)
      print("Web server is now running on port 8082...")
      except KeyboardInterrupt: 
          print("The HTTP server has stopped running.")

    Save and close the file.

Test the Application

  1. Run the application in the background.

    $ python3


    Web server is now running on port 8082...     
  2. Using curl, retrieve all points from the InfluxDB database.

    $ curl -X GET http://localhost:8082/


           "time": "2023-06-23T09:19:20.963877Z",
           "user": "john_doe",
           "daily_steps": 1879
           "time": "2023-06-23T09:19:20.978350Z",
           "user": "mary_doe",
           "daily_steps": 2785
           "time": "2023-06-23T09:19:21.020994Z",
           "user": "jane_smith",
           "daily_steps": 4563
  3. Run the following commands to write new data points to the database.

    $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"user": "james_gates", "daily_steps": 2948}'
    $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"user": "eva_dukes", "daily_steps": 2759}'


  4. Fetch the application again to verify if the new data is added.

    $ curl -X GET http://localhost:8082/


           "time": "2023-06-23T09:19:20.963877Z",
           "user": "john_doe",
           "daily_steps": 1879
           "time": "2023-06-23T09:19:20.978350Z",
           "user": "mary_doe",
           "daily_steps": 2785
           "time": "2023-06-23T09:19:21.020994Z",
           "user": "jane_smith",
           "daily_steps": 4563
           "time": "2023-06-23T09:24:13.425451Z",
           "user": "james_gates",
           "daily_steps": 2948
           "time": "2023-06-23T09:24:24.832866Z",
           "user": "eva_dukes",
           "daily_steps": 2759
  5. To stop the application. View its Job ID.

    $ jobs


    [1]+  Running                 python3 &
  6. Kill the job ID to stop the application.

    $ kill %1


In this guide, you have used the InfluxDB database with Python on a Ubuntu 20.04 server. You created a sample InfluxDB database, queried, and submitted data via Python source code using the curl utility.

For more information about InfluxDB, visit the following resources.

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