
How to Install ArangoDB on Ubuntu 20.04 Print

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ArangoDB is an open-source NoSQL database used in modern web applications, which supports models for document, graph, and key-value data. It's managed through a web or command-line interface and uses a declarative query language called AQL (ArangoDB Query Language).


Install ArangoDB

  1. Import repository key.

     $ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Update the sources list.

     $ echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arangodb.list
     $ sudo apt-get update
  3. Install ArangoDB.

     $ sudo apt-get install arangodb3
  4. Verify the installation was successful.

     $ arangod --version
     server-version: 3.8.x
  5. Start ArangoDB.

     $ sudo systemctl start arangodb3
  6. Monitor the database with status.

     $ sudo systemctl status arangodb3

Hardening Database

Hardening will make blocking unauthorized use of endpoints more strict.

  1. To edit database server settings, navigate and edit the arangod.conf file.

     $ sudo nano /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf
  2. Under the [server] section, append the following text if it's not already there.

     harden = true
  3. Under the [javascript] section, append the following text.

     harden = true
  4. Restart the database to take effect.

     $ sudo systemctl restart arangodb3
  5. Verify changes were successful by checking for errors in status.

     $ sudo systemctl status arangodb3

Access CLI

To access ArangoDB through the command line, use the arangosh command.

$ arangosh

Access Web Interface

This is meant for development or internal network purposes only. For production applications, continue down the doc for configuring the server through a reverse proxy.

By default, the ArangoDB web interface is only available locally.

  1. To make the server available on the internet, navigate and edit the arangod.conf file.

     $ sudo nano /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf
  2. Under the [server] section, replace the endpoint URL with your server's IP. For example:

     endpoint = tcp://
  3. Restart the server.

     $ sudo systemctl restart arangodb3
  4. Verify changes were successful by checking for errors in status.

     $ sudo systemctl status arangodb3
  5. Navigate to your server's IP address at port 8529 in a web browser.

Access Web Interface through Reverse Proxy

For a production application, it is better to host the database locally and access it through a reverse proxy. This makes it easier to manage multiple services, enforce rate-limiting, SSL, and IP-filtering.

  1. Install Nginx.

     $ sudo apt-get install nginx
  2. Delete default Nginx server block.

     $ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default 
  3. Create a new Nginx server block.

     $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/arangodb.conf
  4. Add the following text to the file.

     limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=mylimit:10m rate=10r/s;
     server {
             listen 80; # Listen on ArangoDB port.
             listen [::]:80; # ipv6 support.
             server_name _;
             location / {
                     limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay; # Basic Rate limiting at 10 requests/sec.

    > Adjust the rate-limiting rates and zones according to your application and needs.

  5. Restart Nginx for changes to take effect.

     $ sudo systemctl restart nginx
  6. Navigate to your server's IP address in a web browser.

You should see the ArangoDB web interface login menu. As a test, try refreshing the page in rapid succession. Soon, the webpage should respond with a 503 HTTP error, which would indicate a successful rate-limited request.


For more information, refer to the official ArangoDB documentation.

ArangoDB is an open-source NoSQL database used in modern web applications, which supports models for document, graph, and key-value data. It's managed through a web or command-line interface and uses a declarative query language called AQL (ArangoDB Query Language). Prerequisites Deploy a new Ubuntu 20.04 Rcs cloud server. Set up a non-root user with sudo privileges. Verify your server is up to date. Install ArangoDB Import repository key. $ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - Update the sources list. $ echo 'deb /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/arangodb.list $ sudo apt-get update Install ArangoDB. $ sudo apt-get install arangodb3 Verify the installation was successful. $ arangod --version server-version: 3.8.x Start ArangoDB. $ sudo systemctl start arangodb3 Monitor the database with status. $ sudo systemctl status arangodb3 Hardening Database Hardening will make blocking unauthorized use of endpoints more strict. To edit database server settings, navigate and edit the arangod.conf file. $ sudo nano /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf Under the [server] section, append the following text if it's not already there. harden = true Under the [javascript] section, append the following text. harden = true Restart the database to take effect. $ sudo systemctl restart arangodb3 Verify changes were successful by checking for errors in status. $ sudo systemctl status arangodb3 Access CLI To access ArangoDB through the command line, use the arangosh command. $ arangosh Access Web Interface This is meant for development or internal network purposes only. For production applications, continue down the doc for configuring the server through a reverse proxy. By default, the ArangoDB web interface is only available locally. To make the server available on the internet, navigate and edit the arangod.conf file. $ sudo nano /etc/arangodb3/arangod.conf Under the [server] section, replace the endpoint URL with your server's IP. For example: endpoint = tcp:// Restart the server. $ sudo systemctl restart arangodb3 Verify changes were successful by checking for errors in status. $ sudo systemctl status arangodb3 Navigate to your server's IP address at port 8529 in a web browser. Access Web Interface through Reverse Proxy For a production application, it is better to host the database locally and access it through a reverse proxy. This makes it easier to manage multiple services, enforce rate-limiting, SSL, and IP-filtering. Install Nginx. $ sudo apt-get install nginx Delete default Nginx server block. $ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default Create a new Nginx server block. $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/arangodb.conf Add the following text to the file. limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=mylimit:10m rate=10r/s; server { listen 80; # Listen on ArangoDB port. listen [::]:80; # ipv6 support. server_name _; location / { limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay; # Basic Rate limiting at 10 requests/sec. proxy_pass; } } > Adjust the rate-limiting rates and zones according to your application and needs. Restart Nginx for changes to take effect. $ sudo systemctl restart nginx Navigate to your server's IP address in a web browser. You should see the ArangoDB web interface login menu. As a test, try refreshing the page in rapid succession. Soon, the webpage should respond with a 503 HTTP error, which would indicate a successful rate-limited request. Conclusion For more information, refer to the official ArangoDB documentation.

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